WION Wideangle | Same-sex marriage in India: A distant dream?

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Indian govt opposes legalising same-sex marriage
Will Supreme Court approve law despite govt's opposition?
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#WIONWideangle #SameSexMarriage #lgbtq

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Saddest part if it's a part of our history and culture too and still ppl think same sex is western lol


Don't try to change society your private preference shouldn't be forced on the society. For thousands of years it's been so, Indian society has allowed lot of freedom but under certain constraints. As for as adopting children you're not supposed to break the normal law.


Dream? We think you mean “night-mare, right?


The guy in green top failed spectacularly when he said "marriage is not an act of procreation"

Marriage is an act through which God continue to create man in His own image.

The kingdom of man permit you to practice homosexuality. But such act is unlawful and an abomination in the Kingdom of God.

1Co 6:9-11 *Do you not know that the unrighteous WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.* 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.


Not going to comment but it is a nightmare if that happens.


Marriage is a socio-cultural system with beliefs greatly intertwined in Religion.

Yes, Non-binary & Homosexual individuals should be allowed to get in to a legal partnership but the Courts must clearly order that it shouldn't be done through any Religious ceremony.

Religious ceremonies must be specially allowed for Binary & Hetrosexual couples.

For sure court's can create Special Laws & Acts for Homosexual couples to get legally registered as a Married or Legal partners.

No one should stop any Non-binary couple from getting legally married or partners but Religious institutions & ceremonies shouldn't be diluted through the intervention of Court Orders.

As a society our biggest focus should be on Intersex children & their well being.


Why marriage? Just live in together, it’s common now even between man and woman


Most people don't understand what true love is. Living together and having sexual relationships does not translate to love. It only fulfils your carnal desire and feelings. God's love transcend carnal desire.

It's impossible to truly love yourself without first loving God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind.


What u get by marrying? U can stay together and none will have an issue if two individuals of same gender live together under one roof in this country. U want to say something to society by marrying same sex? Is that useful in anyway? Does the stigma or natural order go away through such declaration? Nothing will happen. So, what's the point? Marriage in the terms of human race is relationship between two genders, where's the question has arisen about marriage between two individuals of same gender? This is not denial of rights or will or freedom by any. This is just the human order and a mere staying together does not mean marriage and marriage does not guarantee co-existence. Marriage involves man and woman, if it is same sex, it can't be phrased as marriage


For the first time, I truly loved this post from Wion. It exuded warmth and empathy which was a very pleasant surprise, something I'm not used to seeing from this channel.


Marriage is not tied to religion, but real human history or when God said it is not good that Adam be alone, put him to sleep and formed Eve from his rib: the first marriage, one man and one woman.


Marriage is of the souls, not firstly some monetary or physical ledger number designated by a souless government.
You cannot force another to love you, government cannot weigh love and has no buisness delving into en ethereal unity it knows not of.
