Gravitational Waves Are Electromagnetic

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It is commonly claimed that gravitational waves are a proof of Einstein's general relativity but that claim is nonsense. Gravitational waves are electromagnetic as they are gravity waves in the quantum field that causes oscillations in the permittivity and permeability. Those oscillations in turn causes the speed of light to vary so that they can be detected by a laser interferometer like the LIGO experiment.

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So segwaying back to the theory that redshift is actually caused by the light traveling in curved /rippled space due to so many of these waves that LIGO has detected. Such as GW170817 merger where it 100% detected GW (OR where light slows and speeds up in your theory mentioned above). It took 1.7 seconds AFTER LIGO detected the GWs before Fermi detected the gamma rays... so light either a. Traveled longer or b. Slowed and sped back up to C like your suggesting if im understanding your theory correctly) so either theory would still end in a higher redshift the further light travels. No?


I thought you said there was no drag in the field? But torque requires energy to move things down the line, then there is drag in field for all moving objects. Confused.


I'm trying to get Sabine Hossenfelder to watch this.


I enjoy your videos, sir. I also found the video 'Planck's Constant and the Nature of Light' by Fractal Woman, very interesting. You should check that out. We need to get to the bottom of this gravity thing, so we can engineer it ; )
Also check out 'Extended Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment. English version' by Gruma09.


Gravity waves occur when there is a massive disturbance to the aether; as when two planets or suns collide. I do not believe there are any gravity waves emanating from the interaction of mass and the aether. I look at gravity as the press of the aether against baryonic matter. That pressure by itself should not create what is called "gravity waves". I believe the interaction does create a loss of energy by the matter as it struggles against the press of the aether. That energy is not lost; it goes somewhere and becomes something? Is that "something" the gravity wave? If so, does it get absorbed by the quantum energies of free space? But, do these energies move outward like a wave?


So could gravitational lensing be called a standing gravitational wave? Or is that even possible?


Sir, I am not able to imagine that there is a three-dimensional univers can form gravitational wave(transverse wave).because transverse wave only form over the surface .


Is gravity force propagates at c?
If so, will earth orbit away from the sun?


maybe zeptons are mini suns and they disappear because they die like a black hole?


yeah, no. This was quite rubbish. The electromagnetic universe for gravity has been known for a while to be complete psuedo-science
