All 36 Leonardo DiCaprio Movies in 5 Minutes | Complete Movie List from 1991 to 2023

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A detailed list of all 36 Leonardo DiCaprio's movies, reflecting his exceptional talent and the wide variety of characters he has portrayed from 1991 to 2023

No. Year Movie Name

1. 1991 - Critters 3
2. 1992 - Poison Ivy
3. 1993 - This Boy's Life
4. 1993 - What's Eating Gilbert Grape
5. 1995 - The Basketball Diaries
6. 1995 - The Quick and the Dead
7. 1995 - Total Eclipse
8. 1996 - Romeo + Juliet
9. 1996 - Marvin's Room
10. 1997 - Titanic
11. 1998 - The Man in the Iron Mask
12. 1998 - Celebrity
13. 2000 - The Beach
14. 2001 - Don's Plum
15. 2002 - Gangs of New York
16. 2002 - Catch Me If You Can
17. 2004 - The Aviator
18. 2006 - The Departed
19. 2006 - Blood Diamond
20. 2007 - The 11th Hour
21. 2008 - Body of Lies
22. 2008 - Revolutionary Road
23. 2010 - Shutter Island
24. 2010 - Hubble
25. 2010 - Inception
26. 2011 - J. Edgar
27. 2012 - Django Unchained
28. 2013 - The Great Gatsby
29. 2013 - The Wolf of Wall Street
30. 2015 - The Revenant
31. 2015 - The Audition
32. 2016 - Before the Flood
33. 2019 - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
34. 2019 - Ice on Fire
35. 2021 - Don't Look Up
36. 2023 - Killers of the Flower Moon

#Critters3 #PoisonIvy #ThisBoysLife #WhatsEatingGilbertGrape #TheBasketballDiaries #TheQuickAndTheDead #TotalEclipse #RomeoAndJuliet #MarvinsRoom #Titanic #TheManInTheIronMask #Celebrity #TheBeach #DonsPlum #GangsofNewYork #CatchMeIfYouCan #TheAviator #TheDeparted #BloodDiamond #The11thHour #BodyOfLies #RevolutionaryRoad #ShutterIsland #Hubble #Inception #JEdgar #DjangoUnchained #TheGreatGatsby #TheWolfOfWallStreet #TheRevenant #TheAudition #BeforeTheFlood #OnceUponATimeInHollywood #IceOnFire #DontLookUp #KillersOfTheFlowerMoon #celebrizi
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