Word Traveler - How To Play

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00:00 - Introduction
00:39 - The Setup
02:18 - Game Play Overview
02:50 - The Prepare Step
04:03 - The Plan Step
04:38 - A Tour Of The Map
05:04 - Points Of Interest
05:30 - Using Arrows
06:18 - Using Clues
06:58 - Picking Extra Destinations
09:05 - Ending The Planning Step
09:35 - The Travel Step
10:29 - Guessing Destinations
11:24 - Revealing The Destinations
11:37 - Earning Points
13:15 - Earning Souvenirs
13:27 - Setting Up Day 2
14:01 - Playing Day 2
14:54 - Final Scoring
15:05 - Conclusion
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