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In today's video I talk about how you can attract yourself a Scorpio man.

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📚 Books, websites and sources used:
🔗 Astrology For Lovers by Liz Green (1986)
🔗 Love Signs by Linda Goodman (1980)


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My name is Hannah! I'm Northern Irish and I make videos about Astrology. I want to use astrology as a practical tool, as a way to help others understand it, whilst also demonstrating how others can apply it to their everyday lives. If you want to stay up to date with my content then please be sure to click the SUBSCRIBE button! That way we can learn together!

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I'm a Scorpio here's a tip...
Just be yourself. Us Scorpios can tell if your putting on a act. And being yourself is kinda cute. Coming from a 15 year old boy


Why did it have to be a condom commercial that played before the video started :D must be the scorpio energy coming through


as cheesy as it sounds....scorpios love a pure heart combined with inner strengh


My advice? Don't act mysterious, they'll know you're not. Don't flirt, they hate it, and probably won't respond. Act like you don't want anything from them, and they'll become obsessed about what you want from them, and why you haven't fallen under their spell like all the rest. Getting in their face can be secretly impressive to them although they won't let on, but showing you aren't scared of them in any shape or form is the killer blow. But what would I know haha. Happy Halloween.


I'd say don't listen to any info about ''HOW TO ATTRACT SCORPIO''. We can feel whether or not the attraction and chemistry is there. So don't try anything, just be you.


I still have no idea how I (Aquarius) ended up with someone so different from me (Scorpio). But here's what I've seen him react well to: He loves watching me be cute and kind with animals. They are attracted to a pure joy (which is why pisces do so well with them, imo). I met him online and he really took the time to research me before he reached out. I, of course, loved that. I want someone who means business. The first thing I said to him was "are you as dangerous as your smile?" and he said he was blown away by my directness and DEMANDED to know why I was single. I couldn't believe how fast he got my number.

On our first date he brought me roses from his garden (he even trimmed the thorns off, aww). and I was shocked. That's such a RISKY move in dating. What if I wasn't that into him? But I was so so infatuated with how sincere and DORKY that move was. I kept saying "I can't believe you brought me flowers like a nerd" and then I'd smile at him, beaming. He'd say "yeah, but you seem ok with it" and I go "oh, I am very very ok with it. I'm easy to read. You'll know instantly if I'm into something or not" and that seemed to put him at ease. He likes it when I initiate. Anything. So I traveled out of town and went on a boat and before I lost service I sent him a very stupid kissy selfie. He loved it and said it meant so much to him that I was thinking of him while I was at work.

I like to "love bomb" him, when he least expects it. Like he runs out to walk his dog and I'll act overly upset and say "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING? YOURE JUST GONNA LEAVE ME WITHOUT KISSING ME PROPERLY?!" and then I make a big sad face and he loves it, and attacks me.

**I know Scorpios have a hard time with "fakeness" but I like to keep things light, as an air sign. SO. I recommend if you do like flirting (where my libras at!!! heyyyy) I think you have to make it really BIG and silly, so they know you're being stupid and not trying to "pull one over on them". Also, and I don't know how to say this... grab him. Like you can't live without his touch. **

Scorpios love an unexpected back rub, holding his hand and walking just a pace behind him so he feels like the leader, making his coffee, they like being pampered without being asked. They remember it. Sometimes the fastest way I can change his moodiness is by bear hugging him or biting his ear until he laughs. TOUCH a Scorpio. (If they like you). Also, I catch him staring at me like a murderer a lot. It just means He's obsessing over you like HE SHOULD BE ;)

If I catching him staring I'll blow a kiss or make a silly face and he loves it. UNFORTUNATELY, I love dressing up, and he doesn't seem to give a fuck. But after I told him "I like looking good for you" he relaxed. Hope this helps.


I am a Scorpio, just be yourself . I like it when women are real . If you act .. we know it .


How to attract a scorpio:

Just be you, do the damn test and wait for the results.


Want to attract a Scorpion?
Ignore them, then look behind you.


I'm a Scorpio and I find that people who are themselves and don't act fake is attractive. If your deep and true. Appreciate everything about me then I would consider you but I'm taken so sorry ladies and some of you gents hehe 😊


actually scorpios like flirting for about ten seconds...


I'm a Taurus woman and he's a Scorpio man
I remember when out of many great girls and beautiful girls in our campus I dunno why he'd still choose someone like me, I have nothing special I'm just a lonesome normal girl lol he always annoy me I don't like him, but he didn't give up and I end up falling for him lool

One thing I learned abt this scorpio
he doesn't like being chased but instead he wanted he's the one who'll chase. I think scorpio is one of the most understanding and lovable sign I've ever met. He loves staring but I can't stareback at him for too long cause his eyes are so intense to look at. Hmmm... he's a great man I can say I love him more ❤️


As a Scorpio man, what attracts me to a girl is exoticism, submission, honesty and kindness.


a lil dirt on us scorps 1. we know if you are interested .we wait to see how u approach us. if you can't hold it together by being by us and just being yourself we can spot the insincerity.we are a handful so you cant be's a huge turn off. we love strength. if we know you are nervous but don't show it we smile inwardly. that's a turn on. 2. don't tell us about the "bad shit" in the beginning. if we are interested, WE will dig up your info on the net. it's an obsession we have. we don't tell anyone😎3. kindness to animals, children and elderly are major brownie points. we are hypersensitive to those who been thru hard times and we admire them greatly. 4. no games. don't even try it. we've heard and seen at all. 5. time and reliability is what works. too many people let us down. we don't give up, if you really want us forever show us. 6. superficial sex is like a candy bar. a small high but then we crash. we want meat and potatoes love. ride or die. brutal honesty and passion for our partners. 7. sex is one of our deal breakers. every scorp I know dumped someone (nice, good, rich, gorgeous person) over bad sex. 8. major secret:we can't afford to fuck up in the love dept.. if we fall hard it's for life. we will still hold a candle and compare you to everyone else. even if it can't work out. hoping one day it will😘


APPROVED. Your research is extensive & accurate, I'm blown away. Now I feel exposed 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm an Aries. I'm not acting mysterious with no one. Take me as I am. Either you want me or you don't, either way I'm OK. I hate fake ness. People make it seem so hard to attract a Scorpio, just be who you are and give the Scorpio the space to be themselves. You can't go wrong with this technique.


I´m a scorpio. -
2 types of scorpio
1. The "dark one" scorpio -> Simple! Avoid them! (You know them by being cheep and only sexual)
2. The "honest one" scorpio ->
Wanna hint? Emotional commitment but no drama and no wishy-washy -> you want? You say? You get it. :)


We are usually attracted to Taurus, Cancer, Pisces women even if they dont follow the steps mentioned in the video :)


I'm an October Scorpio and my husband is a November Scorpio! Yeah! You can just imagine how interesting our relationship has been the past 14!!


So every 'bad boy' from Wattpad is a
