Tawhid: Unity of Deformity 🫣[Asymmetry & “Loins”?]🦵👋👋

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A creator with two right hands is like a dancer with two left feet! 🤣 In this video, Rev. Anthony Rogers explains the concept of Islamic Tawhid, or "oneness", and all of its moving parts. This presentation is complete with detailed slides and a funny compilation video of Anthony's at the end ("Will the Real Allah Please Stand Up"). I guess we are to believe that Allah made our left hands with his two right hands. 🤷‍♂️ Also if he's missing a left hand, how can one of his names be "Self Sufficient," which means not needing anything?

This is just a small portion from the Seek + Share Truth Conference (Day 2/Part 2).

This live event session featured the following presentations:
"Lies in the Textbooks vs. The Bible + Crusades" by Usama Dakdok @usamaway
"Muhammad: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" by Hatun Tash @HatunTashDCCIMinistries
"Taking The Teachings To Heart: Jesus' Disciples vs. Muhammad's Companions" by Your Brother in Christ @YourBrotherInChrist
"Tawhid" by Rev. Anthony Rogers @Ousias1
"Confronting Atheism Head On" by Thaddeus of Reasoned Answers @ReasonedAnswers
"Reaching the Lost: Street Evangelism, YouTube, & More" - Panel Discussion Q&A

#tawhid #trinity #anthonyrogers
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In the Book of Isaiah, Satan wants to be like God. In Isaiah 14:13-14, Satan says, “I will rise up into the heaven, I will set up my throne above the stars of God: I will sit on the mount of the congregation… I will rise above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.” Satan did fail to be like God.
The similarities between Satan and Allah are overwhelming. Allah says to God, the Most High:
(1) You have Jesus — the eternal Word of God, I will make Quran — the eternal word of Allah.
(2) You have Jesus — the eternally send down, I will make Quran — the eternally send down.
(3) You have Jesus — the eternally complete, I will make Quran — the eternally complete.
(4) You have Jesus — the eternally un-changed, I will make Quran — the eternally un-changed.
Only one problem though: God, the Most High, can never fail. As for Satan, not only is he shameless and wicked, but he is also very much used to failures. How many times did Allah try to make Quran before coming up with the terribly made 1924 Hafs’ Quran in which he (Allah) prayed for (not to) his prophet? The similarities between Satan and Allah are overwhelming.
God wins every time. All powers and glories be to the one true God — the Most High, the Holy Trinity, the Blessed three-in-one! Forever, and ever — Amen!


It also keeps changing, it was a later idea agreed upon by church, also 52% of your NT books are written supposedly by a persecutor of early Jesus followers who changed the Law


Verse 3:7 tell Muslims explicitly not delve into Mutashabihat and the deviants ideologes you use do just that to confuse themselves and you.

Ex: "narrative had holes"


The womb is attached to Allah. This sounds like the Jim Carey film. Ace Ventura, when nature calls 📞 👌 😂😂😂


im at minute 17, but this is very funny.
love when Christians try explaining Islam.
99 names of Islam hahaha

the Most Just
the Most Merciful
the Most Forgiving ....

yes yes

many gods lmao


So Allah of Koran Have Body parts...is he handicap ??


They want to take a fresh look?!!! They are so busted!!! So now they have to go back to the drawing board. So, they can figure out some more rubbish reinterpretations 😂😂😂


God's being is as the Prophet told us and we dont delve beyond that according to 3:7 otherwise you will be lost. You are demonstrating how one gest lost.


Streuth, Allah does have 2 HANDS!!!!


In Islam, Muslims can have sex with animals and sex with dead bodies in “hadiths: 4464 and 4465”

The Quran says Allah is a sinner and in hell because he committed Sin, in “34-Al Saba, verse 25”
“Say: "Ye shall not be questioned as to our sins, nor shall we be questioned as to what ye do."
