EVERYTHING on Our 5 1/2 Acre Homestead (+ harvesting the BIGGEST butternut squash ever)

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We want to share our passion for efficient, sustainable homesteading that brings the family together. On our homestead we do chemical-free gardening, grass-fed milk and beef, pastured eggs and broiler chickens, and free range children :) We love to go on adventures as a family, so if we're not workin on the farm, we're probably hiking or out getting ice cream. We're all into DIY, and being inventive and creative. We believe in homesteading that's sustainable, not just sustainable homesteading. In other words, we want to show you that homesteading doesn't have to wear you out to the point that you give it up. We've seen it happen, and almost came to that point ourselves. So go ahead and take a whack at that subscribe button if you'd like to join us on this crazy ride. Get ready to learn and be inspired!
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This family is spiritually and wonderfully filled! Their videos are SO peaceful. I’m a seasoned nurse, over 30 years, and I watch their videos just for mindfulness. ❤️❤️🥰🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽Their videos just bring me peace. ❤️I also love the way they shelter their kids visually. They are PERFECT with only showing what they need too for all of us to see that the kids are a part of this wonderful life. Keep doing YOU “More Than Farmers Team!” Excellent job and many Blessings❤🙏🏽


Has anyone else noticed the beautiful videography and editing skills of this channel? Honestly, I could watch it without sound and still love it. But then I would have missed Michelle's cute giggle while tossing berries to the ducks.


A tip from an old gardener: You don't necessarily need to water every day, in a drought. If you water 2-3 a week, but water A LOT when you do, letting the water go deep into the ground, that's going to a. save you some time, and b. cause the plants to root in more deeply, searching for that water ... which makes for stronger plants in the long run. You actually save a bit on water, too, since water that's deep in the soil doesn't evaporate as much in the summer heat.


You two make the most ADORABLE couple. You are living the life that I would dream of having when I was young. I am now almost 67 and doing it on my own. Turkeys, chickens and a garden that feeds me all year long. The only thing I have to buy at the store is dairy. I can butter and milk. I have rhubarb, black raspberries, grapes, blueberries and tons of strawberries. If I had a handsome husband when I was I would have felt so You two are BLESSED!!!


I just came here to say, you two have one of the best homesteading channels on YouTube.


This video could be a professional tv show! Your content is always so good but the editing is really amazing. So nice to watch!


I wish I had a friend just like you to walk alongside me as our family of 7 works towards transitioning to this lifestyle. None of my friends really cares about any of this but I think it's all amazing! Thanks for all the info and inspiration!


I really appreciate that you say.."in my opinion ". It is so refreshing to not have someone say, you should do this or that.


Here's an easy sausage recipe: mix in 1-2 T of ground sage, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cayenne, a little sale, pepper, garlic powder into a pound of ground chicken. Form into patties and cook in the skillet until done. Can be refrigerated and reheated for a quick breakfast or frozen for another time.


One of the things I enjoy about these videos is the remembrance and continued practice of forgotten storage techniques. Maybe I live under a rock, however it's not something I see or hear about all the time. Monoculture and the large grocery chains have spoiled us. I'm glad to see families such as this being a good example of living off the land.


Hi! I've been binge watching your videos. Love them! I'm getting so anxious to start gardening again this year. Do you have any tips on how to keep the rabbits out of your garden? They have been so bad the last couple years. Thanks for the help 😊


It is such a joy to see young homesteaders. All the channels I watch, almost everyone has greying hair (not because of the work, just their age). From a fellow Buckeye, keep doing what you're doing. God bless.


I have literally spent the last 2 weeks watching your Chanel. Iv started right at the beginning and Iv nearly watched all the way through! I’m obsessed! I love how honest you are! About getting overwhelmed, about how hard it can be, about the mistakes u make along the way! I’m trying to learn to grow at home and keep making mistakes and then I get so upset and beat myself up thinking maybe I’m just not cut out for it. But your Chanel has given me so much hope. I’m not a homesteader but any means but I just want to learn to grow for myself and my family. I also have a full time job so can’t always give it as much time as I’d like too but I have hope and all your tips and tricks are so helpful. I think maybe I try and do too much at once so slow and steady will be my mantra moving forward. God bless u both and your honesty. I’m so glad I found u x x x


I live in northeast Ohio (Summit County) and I planted two butternut squash plants at each end of my raised bed. This was my first time growing them and so far I’ve harvested 20 squash and there’s at least 20 more to harvest here in the next two weeks. Mine are also between five and six pounds each and I’m so happy with this harvest. I’m definitely growing them again next season. I had zero problems with pests. I’m always inspired when watching your videos and I’ve learned a lot from them, especially since you are in Ohio like me, it encourages me to try new techniques.


We don't get much rain in the summer. To keep the garden alive, I bought a timer and sprinkler. I set it to run very early in the morning so less water evaporate off. This has saved me hours and hours of watering time.


Speaking of drought, I haven't yet noticed if you are collecting rain water. I have noticed this helps.


You bless MY heart with your sweet videos. I was born on a farm in Illinois 72 years ago. Seeing your adorable family working together touches me and reminds me of a proud life my family had. THANK YOU for the work you put into taking and editing your videos. Blessings upon you❣️Sharon


PS, outstanding results from your garden and homestead this season. Well done.

I'm burned out and battered, but my spreadsheet reveals that I've gotten $1, 559 more that the money I put into my garden this season, and that number will grow. That's free, organic food my family has enjoyed. That's worth the slog.


I have been gardening and canninng for several years. Ever since I started to watch your videos, I have learned new ideas and ways to preserve my harvest. Thank you for the many ideas.


It's always amazing how much your wonderful videos ground me after a long day at work. Thank you for that. You put so much work into your videos, I appreciate it so much. I am constantly learning and in doing so you not only enrich my garden but also my life. I look forward to every single video from you and am also happy about your great harvest. Have a nice week.
