How To Beatgrid Tracks In Rekordbox - Free DJ Tutorial

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In this lesson, tutor DJ Joey Santos covers the basics of beatgridding in Rekordbox DJ. He explains what Rekordbox's beatgrids are, why they're useful, plus how to edit and correct them if Rekordbox doesn't accurately set those beat markers in a track.

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Just got back into DJing after nearly 10 years and upgraded from CDJ 800s mk1 to xdj-xz and rekordbox. What a foreign program to me, but this video helped me figure out how to change the best grid in the middle of a song with a variable tempo! Loving all the helpful videos for noobs like me. Thank you!


I'm just learning to dj and this is a game changer for all those tracks that are just off a bit


finally! we have a beat grid tutorial for Rekordbox...


Thank you for creating How to Beatgrid Track video. Very detailed video, very well explained and informative. I have been searching for video how to Beatgrid Track many months . Your video is way better than many other Youtube videos. Subscribed your channel and Like. Looking forward for more videos from Digital DJ Tips. Thank you.


I started 35 years ago, getting backnin the game, thanks for the quick tips


I dont use Rekordbox but I just clicked & like because you guys are awesome


I have rekordbox and the one reason I don't use it is because of the beat grids..Thank you for showing me the correct way of using the beat grid controls. I might use rekordbox box more now.


That was really good and digestible for a beginner like me ... Shall practice. Thank you :)


For some reason when I play in performance mode it doesn’t fix it. Only in export mode is fine. Thanks for your help


thank you! The next song is on beat but it still sounded off lol


Will it automatically save the new positioning of the beat grid on the specific track once you have edited it?


This was really helpful as I am really new to this.
My one question over time I’m sure I’ll build up a library of tracks.
Do I have to sort the grid out on every track in my library?
As well as hot cues, it look very time consuming. Is there quicker ways?


Can you elaborate on this button? 8:12 I mainly deal with recordings that are not perfectly on time. It is a problem because I cannot beat match, well I can beat match but the song literally speeds or slows down.


Can this be done on the fly in performance mode? I have found a few tracks that the beat is not in sync with the grid. I use tidal.


Just want to confirm something because I started out on Serato. Serato has it's own set of issues the main one being that it is not mainstream for standalone CDJs used by pros. However, their beat grid editor and analyzer is actually simple to use and works pretty well with AI built in or whatever. Most likely I just have to play around with the editor. However my question is, Serato as adjust and slip. Adjust like expands or contracts the grid based on position whereas slip moves the entire grid. The main thing is if you are on beat 1 it will expand or contract the whole grid but if you are in a different section of the song it will expand or contract only in that area. Is this feature like this and basically that shift is like slip on Serato and expand/contract is like adjust on Serato?


One question, im not sure if this can be done in performance mode ? After altering the beatgrid in export mode and you move to performance mode it usually gets back to earlier state. How to correct this? Thanks.


If I fix the grid on the fly using xdj700(using the knob selecta on the device) will this be saved on my stick or I have to do it in Rekordbox if I want it saved once adjusted?


So when I adjust the beat grid for all tunes in my rekordbox and put them on a usb, I can then stick the usb in a CDJ3000 and the changes I made are still intact? I just manually edited the beat grid of a song on 1 laptop, and loaded it in another laptop, but the changes were not saved, so it seems like the changes you make are device specific. I'm wondering if this is also the case when I use a deck with usb input


This is exactly what I’ve been looking for, thanks 😊


I'm pretty sure older versions of rekordbox allowed for custom placement of the red marker without it locking into a 4/4 time signature, to the point where you could have multiple red-markers in a row! lol But now I have to use the iOS app just to be able to do that (in cases of short 3/3 breaks, or phase-shifts caused by drum-fills, breaks, or any number of other reasons). It's a hassle.
