Parallel parking lesson

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An animated parallel parking (or curb parking) lesson with detailed instructions.
Learn how to parallel park close to the curb from parallel parking
experts. Be sure to check way parking and parking signs as well as dr park. This short video shows a simple procedure for parallel
parking between two cars that involves using reference points.
According to these points the driver can turn the steering wheel at
the right moment and parallel park the car. Well, USA quotes and car insurance are really important here.

Please note that this method of parallel parking is only suitable for short parking spaces.

Parking lesson that explains how to parallel park in the left-side traffic is here:
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Watched this video back in 2014, months before my driver’s test. Believe it or not, this video helped me out so much that I passed the parallel parking part with ease. Definitely showing this to my sister when she turns 15 or 16 before her road test 👍🏻💯


this technique is amazing! I tried this during my driving lesson and my instructor said "I have nothing more to teach you for parallel parking" ;)


trust me or not, i passed my parking test, mainly because of utilizing this tutorial. So useful. Thanks for the creative team.


just passed my test, even though i had been 'tutored' how to parallel park after watching this video I felt confident enough to use this technique even without practicing it IT!!!


THE BEST TRAINING VIDEO ON PP BY FAR! HANDS DOWN! Thank you to whoever you are.


this is the best parallel parking video. i was taught like this and it always works but if you ever decide to park in a really tight spot it is done the same but a little different. use this technique and once you have done the 3 steps when you are halfway into the space, go forward and turn all the way to the right and then go backwards and turn all the way to the left. go back and forth until you are in the space. once i went back and forth 10 times because the space was really small and i didn't bang any car but it wasn't worth it because the car in front and in back had like no space to get out because of me and this usually happens in the city when the spot is really tight but it shouldn't happen often if you don't live in the city


Because of this tutorial I passed my exam over the weekend. Watching this video is beyond helpful. I recommended this to those learning to parallel park


As a driving-instructor (but not so high schooled person in digital and graphic presentations) I really thank you for this excellent tutorial ! This is exactly what I have been trying to explain on thousands sheets of paper to my learners :)


Great instruction! I just wish that this video would come with audio. It can be quite distracting to observe the car movements and read the subtitles at the same time. 


This video helped me how to parallel park smoothly.. Thank you.. passed my road test yesterday!


I think seeing the car behind centrally in the side mirror is a key point i'd never thought of before!


Thank you, great video! I have been driving for 5 months now and to this date, all my parallel parking attempts have been failed miserably. After watching this video I just tried parallel parking and it worked perfectly!


USEFUL. been driving 2 decades and never got the hang of this. But I think this will really help


This video tutorial is 11 years from now (March 2023), and yet, this is one of the best tutorial for parallel parking. Some tutorial are pretty useless for some beginners. Like instead of using the right mirror, others would advice that when the front bumper is aligned to the rear bumper of the car in front. Like, WTH? How would a beginner would know that? This is exactly what I've done ever since. No outside of the car reference, all inside the car reference.


I will buy a motorbike. I can't fucking park my car and i'm frustated.


I have been practicing a few different methods on parallel parking in the last 1 month in order to make comparison on the final result.
I find this method gives the most satisfactory result. Last night I did parallel park using this method. The result (with one attempt, no correction at all) was I left space about 1m to the front and 70cm from behind. It is the closest space I have left during my parking experience so far.


There is never that much space in real life.


Getting my driver test done at 19 years old tomorrow. Almost no experience with parallel parking. This better work. I've been doing research and it seems this "S" method is just about the only way. I'll try to image the cones as a car. Only part I'm worried about. I could always mess up elsewhere though.


Thanks for posting this. I learn best when all of the nitty gritty details are expanded to me like this, not so much through trial and error. Now I know what to look for. :)


Thank you!!! This works. The steps were a little hard to remember so I invented a mnemonic for it: Right triangle, full recovery, lineup for the left. Right triangle (back of car in triangle to turn right), full recovery (full view of car to start recovering back to a straight line), lineup for the left (mirror lined up with the car's corner to start turning left).
