What kind of European Union do we want?

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"Do we really want an EU that helps bankers, and drowns people at sea?", asks Davide Castro. "When people go around waving the EU flag as if this EU is the epitome of the best possible EU's that we could ever have, it's a slap in the face to everybody who's struggling to survive."

#migration #refugees #Europe
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A better Europe is possible but it has to be coordinated effort, a united front by its most maligned. Debate is needed, but strikes are needed too.
Edit Concept: Secret Immigrant Unions and unemployed unions. Also zero hours contract unions and sex worker unions.


I would think that the EU wants order. Collectively the EU should tell Turkey that it is their problem.


If at places such as middle east and Afrika the societies would thrive, than there would not be such questions about refugees. That us why EU and the rest of the world is flooding Ukraine with money and weapons, so that Ukraine can defend and prosper.

But trying the same doesn't obviously work in Middle East and Afrika. Why many refugees come to the EU, while continuing to live their sick way if looking at society, forcing women to wear neeqab, walk 5 meters behind the nan, following their totally non integrative religion of islam. Please, continue to live the way you want in middle east and africa, noo problem at all, but then stay there and don't flood the EU. THAT could lead to poverty, social unrest, chaos and rebellion amongst society of EU. Because of that there are already millions of people, even in NL who don't know how to make months end meet!! Yes, now already! Is that what you want!? You want more of that!!?? It needs a coordinated and joint effort of Europe, in order to work on solutions because:
- NO, EU cannot solve poverty and chaos or failed states in Aftrica or Middle East!
- NO, EU cannot allow a flood of refugees to runn over the EU.

So better think of what Africa and Middle East can do to solve their problems, in such way that people do not runn away, they don't runn away from EU people, they runn away from African and Middle Eastern officials, rulers and dictatorial warlords and relegious extremists.

Get it into your brain, get clear, or how do you ever want to understand the people living in the EU!!??


I agree with what was said.

_Except_ that I would add this one thing:

The EU has to take responsibility and accountability of their own direct actions or indirect support of an ally's actions in their meddling interference and economic pillaging of other countries. Actions, and supportive actions, have consequences. *No one* would want to leave their homeland to be a stranger, a migrant, a 3rd class citizen in another country, if they can help it. But the Collective West's supremist imperialistic actions of pillaging and control have left behind them economic havoc and warring factions in place to cycle de-growth and de-evolvement and to perpetuate dependence and reliance!

I do not mean that _blame_ has to be accepted.. but surely the first step _must be_ to acknowledge one's on responsibiity and handling of a situation!


I want an European Union who keeps being european, therefore white.


The question is not "What EU we want?"
The real question is "Why We need an EU?"


Yes, yes, yes and yes. That is exactly the type of union that I want.


Stupid gotcha take.. ask instead; - How do we abolish the EU?? Duuh


Yeah...let in a few million refuges and see how many more people get poor and starv! Think before you speak!
