Dead Baby Bigfoot Video. Is this a Sasquatch

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Todd Standing of Discovering Bigfoot reviews a video of what is reported to be a dead baby Sasquatch
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If this was the real deal then they could have taken it to an anthropologist to get recognized as a proven species for once and for all, but let me guess they left it alone and did not get any DNA or physical evidence turned in for DNA testing


Why wouldn’t the person filming it take the body or a portion of it and have it analyzed DNA this is definitely faked in my opinion


Not saying something like this couldn't be possible, but seriously, it just looks like a "Bigfoot" reborn doll.

Speaking as someone who makes silicone prosthetics for indie movies/halloween/cosplay, can I just point out that there are so many folk making silicone reborn dolls from molds (which are sold often for some serious money) and specifically "Bigfoot" "Werewolf/Dogman" and even Na'vi/Avatar babies similar to this, that it's kinda crazy how readily available they are.

Why didn't they poke the body?

Why didn't they try to move the body?

Cause likely, if they had, it would've given away what it really was - a few pounds of silicone.


No flies? No maggots? Decay that far along would be overwhelmed with flies and maggot activity.


Convenient terrible camera work to inhibit a detailed observation! 😡


Also Todd I know of a place that has a "Wildman" Which is like a bigfoot but the locals believe a normal sasquatch at some point mated with a local Indian woman and created this half breed. He almost looks more native American than anything. Very low brow that looks like hes sad all the time. But when he smiles and talks(samurai chatter) you finally see how big the mouth is. But since the 80s this bigfoot or Wildman walks a certain route every night/evening that he can be seen. He doesn't hide really. Just kind of enhances his trail as he walks. Hes completely naked and has the big feet. Long arm hair. Eyes are Asian looking. About 9 feet tall. You smell him before you see him. He walks without sound. He constantly talks to himself or to his mate but the mate/female isn't present. . I ran into this place on a road trip to Vegas. I don't want to name it out loud because I promised the lady who introduced this to me I wouldn't. At the same time she didn't seem to care who came to see him as long as the people respected nature and him. She felt like a mother to him. She feeds him every Evening. She was up in age so she asked me to bring his food basket to a certain area. I can take you to the place or tell you where to go and what to do. The lady made a hotel right there next to the wildmans walking route. She has probably passed by now because it was years ago when this happened. But every evening its like an attraction. there will be like a dozen people sitting around with blankets, coolers, binoculars etc. Like they are having a picnic. There's so much more to say if anyone wants to know. Your phone wont work when hes around its crazy. Its like he blocks pictures and cell phones somehow. He must put off an energy or its just natural in them. Some sort of protection. But yea this place is on a lake with a marina all that. If someone is from there and they don't want me to say anything please reach out privately or ill assume its ok to invite someone like Todd who obviously cares for them. Also one point id also like to say is when the bigfoot walks around he uses trails. And the trails he makes will basically hide his genitals. But when he goes to get the food basket he has to walk out in the open and then you see how naked he really is lol. Every evening he also sits down to eat some of the food from the basket and while doing so he plays in the sand. Because he sits close to the lake. So its sandy/muddy terrain. He sits for exactly 20 minutes or so eating the walnuts and then burying the husks in the sand. Digs his toes into it like hes playing or just feeling the earth. He will never sit in the same place twice either. Like he wants to touch every part of the land he walks. Same general route every night. If the lady or someone doesn't put the food basket out he throws a big fit and will even cry she said. He depends on the food. and only eats half of it. Puts the other half under his armpit and takes it with him. The lady said she knows he has a wife and child. So she assumes he takes the other half back to them. So when he doesn't have the food he freaks out. The lady told me every big detail/story about him for the last 20 years. I was lucky to have ran into her. I had just happened to be throwing a piece of litter away when a car pulled up and a woman said"I saw what you just did" I thought she was going to yell at me, but instead she pulled over and then introduced me to one of the greatest things that could happen to a person. And how lucky I felt to have gotten to take the food basket down. There was a little doubt that what she said was a lie but honestly I believed her almost instantly. Because she said even if I didn't believe that I would promise to leave the food either way. This was all 30 minutes before he was to appear. So I definitely did as she asked and waited the little bit and everything happened exactly as she said it would. To the T. She had his routine down cold.


I don't need to take anyone out I have my big stinking buddy comes around often and no No one will ever know where he's at he deserves respect and peace his eyes are 10 inches apart easy 4.5 foot across on his shoulders 8.5 foot tall around 600lbs. Reddish brown hair eyes glow red at night but I get a feeling of peace and calm when he's around like a oversized guard dog. He eats the pears off the pear tree and walks around the perimeter of the yard but never screams or ruins anything


That’s no baby Bigfoot, that’s whoopi Goldberg. Napping in the leaves.


All this eye, mouth and nose alignment seems irrelevant to me. It's possible that the eye not lining up was due to massive head trauma that killed it.


Hi Todd, one thing I do not understand is why this video is so low quality and out of focus? The persone that recorded this video was few inches away from the subject and still managed to record very poor video quality. I am very suspicious just because of that. I could have done better with the most cheap iPhone I have. This footage could have been a great proof of a baby Sasquatch ever. Sorry for my frustration but most of the footage available out there are all with the subject far away or out of focus. You are one of few people that have the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. Thank you.


Bro please keep these coming your research is so important


💜🐨I have had yowie contact off and on for the last 50 yrs. Our property has a natural kms of partially counselled gully that is known to us local indigenous peoples as a trackway, lots of old timer stories oldest still operating and producing gold rush 1850s mining town on the banks of the fastest rising fastest falling 2nd fastest flowing river in the southern hemisphere. Built on a massive quartz reef on a equally massive water table with a known yowie feeding / nursery area you cant convince us that a perfectly horizontal massive tree place upwards of 16ft-20ft in the air between the forks of two trees with multple x structures rock stacks, what could easy be labled a baby or toddler rest/play area, trident formations, what could easily be deemed as a jungle gym at varying heights and intricate weaving patterns at other points along the river what looks like various blinds/hides, with so many caves, creeks, hollers, ample food, uncharted bushland as far as the eye can see. Multiple indigenous sightings and white fellas alike, if you ever make it down under would love to show you around instead of 50 yrs with Sasquatch mine would read 50 yrs with Yowies.
However I would have to warn you Yowies are a completely different beast than sasquatch some even say more aggressive, more forward in that regard. Also with any mammal there is a term called facial slippage, can often lead to abnormal appearance or proportions. Also not being able to narrow C.O.D. or T.O.D. would make it extremely difficult not to have these 2 unknowns possibly be in some way accountable for the facial disfigurement as could a situation where baby feel from a height causing said disfigurement and massive brain bleed which has been known to cause significant eye distortion and the skin colouring has that grey death mask appearance and this blackie blueish greyish skin colour is very similar to our Yowies which are physical, metaphysical, spiritual and in some cases Interdimentional as we have oral history first as opposed to 📚 and alike. We 💯 respect our elders, spirits, 💪👀guides 💪👀etc, because we as humans are only ever one footstep 👣away from putting both feet👣 in the💩. Would love to chat one-day before I kark it 😉😂😂😂 Blessings😇🙏 Love 💜and 💡Light Bush Ranger Granny. XXX


Why would the SAsquacht family leave a dead baby to be found ?


With all due respect, finally after 56 years of circulating PG film, this was the golden opportunity to once and forever lay this case bare and open for the public to view, and those made this blurry film could not take sample of this "dead Bigfoot", and bring it to a lab. Seriously, we should believe this tangential explanation for a non-existing flimsy evidence? Seriously, challenging science and its robust procedures with this so called evidence?


Why didn’t they get DNA when they were there taking the pic


Often people raise the objection "how come we have never come across a sasquatch corpse" t which I think Les Stroud gave a valid answer. He mentioned that in all the years he has spent in the woods in Ontario which has a population 0f 60, 000 black bears, he has never come across a black bear corpse. His belief is because nature probably reclaims the bodies fairly quickly and it stands to reason a species like sasquatch, having lesser of a population would be even more difficult to discover a body and I don't pretend to claim to know how many there are but I am sure it is considerably less than the black bear population.


Could the improper spacing on the dead young sasquatch compared to your footage be caused by a decaying process? Or just overall damage to the face after it passed away? Or would that not be possible since spacing would tie into skull shape overall which seemed intact?


Come on man. It’s 2023!! THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY THREE!!!! yet these guys can’t get a clear picture right up close to the subject?! It looks like it’s taken from a 2015 Android flip phone!!


The drawing of Scott as a Sasquatch that is on the shelf behind you makes me apprehensive. I did see a piece of film from the 1980's with a small human lower torso and lots of hair found in a creek in a Canadian First Nation's private home, which their dog found. Their Fish and Game Dept came and took it away. They buried some other parts and were unable to find them 2 years later. I am quite sure if you investigate on the old googolplex you might find the footage.


One thing to consider is: Is the face deformed due to it's head being damaged from the back. Was it's skull broken? Perhaps by those that filmed it? Loggers or military people? Where was this filmed at? Hopefully more facts come to the surface. Great video Todd.
