SHOCKING Christian Preacher ADMITS Bible has Contradictions

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It's really mind boggling that Christians put their salvation in a book full of contradictions and mistakes. Alhamdulillah..for I am blessed to be a Muslim.


May Allah protect sheikh Uthman.
Salam from Bosnia 🇧🇦


Some people are just super closed minded and it's really sad... I grew up a christian, Baptist to be exact.. and after hearing the message of Islam and becoming interested enough to start studying it, I fell in love and instantly knew that I had found the truth!! SOOO many contradictions and mistakes in the Bible. It's mind blowing how people can fall for it after knowing...


Subhanallah It’s scary how some people try so hard at MAKING something true instead of TAKING something true. May Allah (s.w.t) guide us. Indeed, He guides whom He wills. Ameen.☝🏾


Salam from Albania to all my Muslim brothers and sisters 🤲🏼🇦🇱


Confuse believe, that's why I converted to Islam


The Dawah won't Stop, inshallah


I always found it very funny how Christians take the verse "The Father and I are one" literally but when it comes to the verse about "The hour" they come up with this elaborate story of how Jesus knew but didn't want to reveal and then The Father knew but he didn't tell Jesus but Jesus somehow is still all knowing. Like it literally makes no sense. There's no logic. Not even a simple logic. The double standard is comical


I grew up in a christian home, presbyterian to be exact. I never actually believed in the bible and remained without believing in religion. The bible to me was always like a fairytale. The pastor would say dont question God, have faith. I couldnt do that, it was the bible that I questioned, not God. I am 37 years old now and only through your videos I heard what I needed to hear. Thankyou.


This is for the 1st time i see a genuine christian that talk with sense, patience and very well educated....May Allah guide them...Ameen


The old man and his son willing to listen to Sheikh and willing to accept contradictions in the bible. May Allah guide them both to the true path. Amiin.


If i were a christian, Sheikh's "i got you, relax" phrase would cure me from Christianity delusions. Masya Allah. May Allah preserve and increase our beloved Sheikh Uthman ibn Farooq. Amin.


This guy just said: Jesus turned on and off as god? I couldnt hold my laugh like Sheikh 🤣


It's crazy how 99% of christians don't know about any of these contradictions....


“Jesus turned on and off his divinity” oh my God that was hilarious 😂😂😂.


7:44 even the bird was laughing to his reason... Masya Allah...


When you're talking to a Christian..
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
Q: Is Jesus the son of Mary?
A: Yes,
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus was born from the mother he created (Mary)

Q: Is Jesus a born son?
A: Yes,
Q: Who is his father?
A: God
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus is the father of God Jesus and the creator of the mother he was born from hes the son of his wife

Q: Is Jesus the servant of God?
A: Yes,
Q: Did Jesus die on the cross?
A: Yes,
Q: And for whom did he go up?
A: To God
God Jesus was crucified & ascended to God Jesus

Q: Is Jesus a Messenger?
A: Yes,
Q: Who sent him?
A: God
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus was the messenger of God Jesus. God sends himself as a Messenger of himself

Q: Did Jesus pray when he was alive?
A: yes,
Q: Whom was he praying for?
A: For God
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus worships God Jesus himself

Q: Does God have a beginning?
A: No
Q: So who was born on December 25th?
A: Jesus
Q: Who is God?
A: Jesus
God Jesus is eternal before everything but he was born in 25th Dec

Q: Where is God?
A: In heaven
Q: How many Gods are there in heaven?
A: God is only one.
Q: Where is Jesus sitting?
A: He is sitting on the right of God.
Q: Is Jesus a God?
A: Yes
Q: So how many Gods are there in heaven?
A: Only one God
Q: Where is Jesus?
A: He is sitting to the right of God.
Q: So how many gods are there in heaven?
A: Only one god. Still

Q: Is Jesus a God?
A: Yes
Q: So who many seated gods are there?
A: Only one God?
Q: Where is Jesus?
A: He is sitting next to the god.
Q: How many gods are in heaven?
A: Only one.

Q: Are they sitting on the same chair?
A: These words are understood only by the one who has the holy spirit.

God sacrificed God to God in order to save God's creation from God. God prayed to God for help but God didn't help God, and God killed God with help from humans. And that God is a father of himself and the mother of himself and the son of mother he created at the same time. He is also eternal but his birthday is...


I have been following the OMF since the beginning and alhamdulillah i see it has really grown very big thus benefitting all of us. ALHAMDULILLAH


It’s amazing how someone can see clear contradiction and still believe in it.
