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Clear karma quicker and finally get off the karmic wheel. If you feel you are stuck in karmic loops or in a karmic cycle and want to get out of it, listen to this deep and powerful quantum subliminal clearing.

The energy clearing goes to the seed of conception of any specific issue and creates energetic shifts from there, so the results can be long-lasting as they ripple out and positively impact all levels of your being.

How I do the energy healing/clearing - is by using a series of charts and a pendulum, I connect to Source, then I am directed to the areas that need clearing for you. With this method, all your bodies and levels of being will be cleared of negative programming, blocks, traumas, stored memories, and more. Please make sure to listen until the end, so you can receive the whole benefits of the healing.
The subliminal affirmations bring positive programming, to replace the negative subconscious beliefs I just cleared. The subconscious mind picks up more easily the subliminal messages as they bypass the conscious mind.

The subliminal affirmations used in the video are:
• I release the old negative karma and create positive new karma each and every day
• I let go of all karmic patterns I still hold on to
• I let go of all karmic loops
• I choose to no longer stay stuck in karmic cycles
• I no longer attract karmic people in my life
• I no longer create karmic situations in my life
• I am out of karmic cycles for good
• I no longer have any karmic debt to pay
• I choose to have a full karma healing releasement
• I learned all the lessons I needed to learn from my past karmic cycles
• I am free of all past karma and I’m moving into my new life full of abundant blessings

The subliminal affirmations and energy healing are all layered in the video/audio, with the music being played on top. The healing recording is in the background of the video at a very low volume so that it creates lasting results by bypassing the conscious mind (like subliminals).
The subliminal healing is potent, this is why you can listen as often as you feel guided to, 21 days in a row, a few times or anytime you feel the need.

It can take a few days for the healing to be integrated, so make sure you take the time to rest and drink plenty of water.

Headphones can be used, but are not necessary.

Music Used in this Video:
Song/Music: Monumental Journey
Artist: Jesse Gallagher
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This is powerful I can feel it 😮 Thank you subliminalist ❤
I learn my lesson and I am now free.


As Pluto turns retrograde tomorrow, I am breaking free of karmic cycles and closing out anything holding me back!
This is wiping the slate clean and new stories to be written!!! Bring it!!! ❤ 💫


Update: not listen casually (forget a lot) but with a detach subs and forget desired person I was able to get rid this obsession that was happen, focus only on my things (even when sometimes I able to see her and see that she still a copycat and still figure out a way to get her reputation is only get better and better)
I see that when much I look to her (Even if I don't think on her, but maybe some things relate to her work/mine or some eomijis or memories relates) more I track her and she become more strong.
When you focus on your energy in one thing you only gonna track this thing.
Now is much better since I give me a purpose and able to "become" my shadow/ her, become better able to get this "hate" for her and able to used as motived andfocus on myself and be more productive about my future and present. Even if I'm not in a full results I'm able to be myself.
Hope this help you guys, also don't forget that Karmic relationships can comeback so be careful, I recommend still listen to this subs or others about karmic/detach/forget someone to help.
Thanks The Quantum Subliminalist, and some people how like my comments and give me positive energy, hope you guys the best! 💞


Thank you dearly. I'm having issues getting out, and I had done the work; but relapsed. I'm willing to try again while there's time. You're an angel!


Gratidão por tudo sempre!!! Bênçãos e graças divinas e infinitas pra ti!!! Muita luz!!!❤🎉


Do you think it would be possible creating a video about hope?




Update/ Results: she still copycat me even not talking to each other in years, but somehow she laways do very similiar or even better same projects that I do but myself (and she eith pro so becimes better)
Continue like this, even her face is more like me thats just creepy (plastic surgety + filter + makeup).
But I start detach from her, not seeying even in my feed, or in sign from universe.
Feeling like myself again ❤ Feeling reenew ♡
I start doing my own things without obcession or depression (and all the terrible feeling that she makes me pass) feeling like trash... Now I go back to my life without think of her so mych, even doing my own work that I know she gonna copy eventually... But not mad, but really wanna make cut the karmic cord and bring whay is mine for real. Because she gonna comeback if the contract not break 😅


Em Português:

Limpe o carma mais rápido e finalmente saia da roda cármica. Se você sente que está preso em loops cármicos ou em um ciclo cármico e quer sair disso, ouça esta limpeza subliminar quântica profunda e poderosa.

As afirmações subliminares usadas no vídeo são:
• Eu libero o antigo carma negativo e crio um novo carma positivo a cada dia
• Eu deixo de lado todos os padrões cármicos aos quais ainda me apego
• Eu deixo de lado todos os loops cármicos
• Eu escolho não ficar mais preso em ciclos cármicos
• Eu não atraio mais pessoas cármicas em minha vida
• Eu não crio mais situações cármicas em minha vida
• Estou fora dos ciclos cármicos para sempre
• Eu não tenho mais nenhuma dívida cármica a pagar
• Eu escolho ter uma liberação completa de cura cármica
• Eu aprendi todas as lições que precisava aprender com meus ciclos cármicos passados
• Estou livre de todo carma passado e estou entrando em minha nova vida cheia de bênçãos abundantes


Update/Results: I listen also this a detach subs than help a loy, not overlooking/overthink this person so kuch and seeying less sign of her, but still is getting creepy in how fast and she getting brtter and copy me and all my life.
I am able to focus more in myself, and trying to get my results of my goals and life (that she stole from me) and focus on me more than her (focus more what I'm control more then what isny in my control) 😊
But everytime that I go to socual media she is there and able to do someting very similiar that I'm think in the moment (they are days that able to create all this project all by myself, with other languages, other videos and tutorials and crete a huge project that would only able to do if was a professional team work, but I'm cable to figure how to achive. Then next day she create something SO SIMILIAR (that i spend months creating) and the timind is so perfectly creep, when I finish, she do the same but better with professionals... and mine project look like I copy her ;(
But now I feel more light weight and just doing the thing, eithout feeling to much ;^^


Results: I seeying less of this person in my life and my feed or recomendation. I see this person also get a little exposed of copycat thing that she does but people doesnt care since she is pretty 😅 but is the start. Wanna have my life back and better ❤
I feeling like myself these days 😊


I am innocent this is abuse and I want it to stop today final warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️🗡️🗡️🗡️⚖️⚖️⚖️🎯🎯🎯🗣️🗣️🗣️


Thanks I gonna try to update ❤
Whats happens to the karmic person and me after break the contract?

Like, this person is stolen my life, my job, my career, my scenarys, my aparence (w plastic/makeup/filters), became famouse and rich aand now getting my twin flame...
Feels luke I seeying this person stolen my life in front me (even without contact this person, I see recomendatjon on my feed and many signs of universes about her) she is fake; manipulative, and know how to use herself, very smart... How do I breat this contract? Whats going to happen to me, her and I gonna have my life back or new but better? Idk... What do you think? ♡


Este audio sirve para dejar habitos malos que me llevan a karmas 😢?


If it is downloaded, will it lose its effect?
