Jubilee (feat. Naomi Raine & Bryan & Katie Torwalt) | Maverick City Music | TRIBL

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Official Music Video for Maverick City Music's "Jubilee" feat. Naomi Raine, Katie Torwalt, Bryan Torwalt.

"Jubilee" was written by Bryan Torwalt, Katie Torwalt, Naomi Raine and this video was captured during a live recording by Maverick City Music.

"Jubilee" feat. Naomi Raine, Katie Torwalt, Bryan Torwalt and will be the title track on Maverick City Music's up and coming release, "Jubilee" releasing EVERYWHERE February 26th, 2021.

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The Spirit of The Lord is upon me
I’m anointed to bring hope
The promise fulfilled in a moment
We’re still watching it unfold
There’s good news for the captive
A proclamation for every soul
This liberty is for the broken
An invitation to be made whole

Listen for the free man singing
He’s delivered me
Look out for the woman shouting
His garment made me clean  
Listen up, for the seasons changing
He’s rebuilding everything
Listen for the people shouting
This is Jubilee  

There is true joy in His freedom
So open your heart and receive it
There is a hope to believe in
Jesus, Jesus

Can you hear it?
Can you hear it?
Can you hear it?
This is the sound
This is the sound of Jubilee

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TRIBL's mission is to be the home of live, moment-driven worship. We hope these songs and moments bring encounter with God's Presence and continue to be a place where His heart is revealed.

Let's unite the tribes, together.

#Jubilee #MavCity #Tribl
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Every year the Lord gives my wife and I a word of the year for our family. This year is Jubilee. Just 2 years ago, after multiple years of infertility, my daughter was born. We named her Jubilee Grace. This song means so much to us! Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness.


I truly believe Maverick City is moving through the nations bringing people back to God, and can we all just take a moment to appreciate the angelic aspects of Naomi Raine’s voice!


Katie's and Naomi's voice are blended powerfully! Praise God for a fresh sound coming from His house! God bless everyone watching this video!


I'm 13 years old, I grew up in a Christian family, I have 9 siblings. And I want to serve God until the end of my life


To that one soul reading this, God is preparing a table for you in presence of your enemies in Jesus precious name.Amen💞


I'm crying right now. God gave me the word "Jubilee" for this year, and even so, this year has been pretty hard so far. I literally said yesterday that I am not sure what God means by "jubilee, " but I'm leaning on it anyways, and I saw that this song would be coming out today. God is faithful!!!


To anyone who has lost hope reading this, God is around the corner. Have a little more patience. He is still working out things in your favor. trust his timetable. Be still, he is God and when the time is right he will make it happen


This is our Jubilee year! We’ve been married 14 years this February, but 7 years ago, we filed for divorce and thought our marriage was over BUT God redeemed it all! So this year, 7 years later, we celebrate with joy and gladness and our souls know it is JUBILEE!!!!


To that one soul reading this, God will open doors for you didn't knock. He will exceed your expectations this year 🙏🏽💓


I was laying in my bed, a little hard to get up because I feel so much pain and hurt right now, it's been weighing me down. Then all the sudden towards the end of the song I sat up. And, I don't know why I started singing "There is a Freedom song inside of me"' "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength" and I heard a whisper saying SING LOUDER, SING LOUDER, SING LOUDER!!!! God's love IS so sweet! Other voices have been trying keep me silent and tell me my voice is not significant. Shame has been trying to tell me who I am. BUT GOD whispers to me SING LOUDER!!! THANK YOU JESUS FOR MY FREEDOM! I LIKE THE PART THAT SAY LISTEN FOR THE WOMEN SHOUTING HIS GARMET MADE ME CLEAN.


"Listen to the woman shouting His garment has made me clean" - I am just so blessed by this statement. Having been raped, I've always felt just so dirty and now, I just feel His garment washing me clean. Thank you Lord for making me clean and restoring my purity. 😭💜🌻 Thank you, Lord that you are rebuilding and restoring everything. THIS IS JUBILEE! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 HALLELUJAH, LORD JESUS! 🌻💜


Trusting God for a house! It’s always been my life long dream!


“Listen for the free man singing, He’s delivered me.” 🙌🏽


*I pray that those who are battling depression due to the worlwide current circumstances will be lifted up by this song. Let us give praise to Jesus Christ, The One who can defeat all the giants in our lives! God bless you friends.*


Jubilee literally means continuing joy. Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning


It's "listen up for the seasons changing, He's rebuilding everything" for me... This is me and my family season's of Jubilee in Jesus's name


What a prophetic song. Just when i am meditating on Psalm 126 vs 1-6. Surely there is a jubilee. We been called to a life of Victory and Celebration.


I would listen to this song every day but a night before one of the scariest exam papers, I listened to this song and the words " late in the midnight hour God's gonna turn it around, it's gonna work in your favor" sounded like I heard them for the first time. At that moment I knew God got me in that exam the next day. And now I'll be graduating 🥺✨


Surrendering my life to Christ is the best decision I've ever made😭😭😭❤😇💃


She said “ I was blind now I see cause You delivered me” I shouted so loud multiple times... chills all over my body. I felt that!
