EXCLUSIVE: Morrissey Opens Up About Ongoing Battle With Depression (VIDEO) | Larry King Now | Ora.TV

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In a rare in-person interview, pop icon Morrissey talks about his depression that "never goes away" and he gives what could be considered a controversial take on the act of suicide.

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"It's part of being a sensitive, open human."

I've never heard someone describe depression in this matter and it breaks my heart of how true it is.


larry kings questions: who are you? who are the smiths? what is indie? is manchester a city in scotland?


As a person who has survived clinical depression, and counseled people who have had it, I can tell you not two depressed people are alike.
Also I was able to give the impression that I was a positive person while I was dying inside. I had all I desired: a job in New York, a wonderful significant other, etc. But I privately battled it constantly.

Mine thankfully was cured, but not everyone's is.

To say that another does not have depression because they don't experience like you do is wrong.


"There is a better world
Oh there must be"


It's so easy to laugh, It's so easy to hate, It takes strength to be gentle and kind


Wow how about that, after almost 50 years in broadcasting, 50 years of interviewing almost every person imaginable, Larry finally gets to interview God.


From someone who's lost a sibling from killing himself I have to say it's a life sentence for me it's always there never leaves me from the waking up to going to bed the years just mean nothing you don't "get over it" or find closed its part of me now and I still find it hard to talk about it


I think a lot of people are hesistant to agree with Moz's stance on suicide being "admirable", but we have to consider how suicide is perceived through the lens of a depressive. To someone who's been tailed by the "Black Dog" for their entire life, finally having the balls to step in front of a double-decker bus is quite admirable. All depressives, at some point they wonder, when is enough 'enough'?


Morrissey isn't selfish like some other depressed artists in the past. I think he uses his fans to continue on, despite his difficulties.


Here's a positive point.. No depression no Morrissey. None of us would have ever known him, , its his sensitive state that makes him who he is, a real individual a one off...his heart is securely on his sleeve. He uses poetry and music as an outlet or a coping mechanism to get through his life. Just goes to show that success money limelight and fame all that hasn't changed mozz. You can not have a holiday away from yourself.


So brave Mozza. You give us all hope...


Morrissey needs to drop some LSD, he'll be writing broadway musicals before the week is out


I think this is not promoting suicide or anything similar, he is not using proper words but what kind of answer do you expect when you ask such questions to a depressive man? In certain way it describes a lot how a person with depression see the life, it is like suddenly the Idea of suicide is not as crazy as it should be, as if only the 'brave ones' are 'strong enough' to do it. I am not telling this is right, is actually a disease!! and for the people that have this is very hard to get over it, it is like the black days find no end and you feel like it has no cure, maybe that is wrong but is the way the sick person see it...


Totally agree with everything MOZ said


I've had it for most of my life and I'm going on 26. I have always loved the Smiths, he was absolutely brilliant with the Smiths, spellbinding in fact. The best thing I've taken to date for my depression have been magic mushrooms; Magic mushrooms have proven therapeutic effects on most people who take them in a controlled safe environment.


One of the smartest and honest things I ever heard about depression:
"There is no cure it's a part of being a sensitive human!"
And no it never really goes away like he said even if you tried all the different drugs they proscribe for it.
I guess he and I could try ECT, which is supposed to be helpful against drug resistant depression but he doesn't say and wasn't asked if he has tried it.
In the end it's like he said "a state of mind" and only you can change it i.e. no one will do it for you!


It's not depression, it's being too smart and lucid about things, people and life itself. And Morrissey is right: it just cannot go away.


I was in a studio being interviewed by Larry King
Ans heaven knows, i'm miserable now...


As soon as he mentioned it especially about the self harm part i immediately thought of ian curtis, unfortunately he never made it god bless his soul RIP


the bit at the end, the last 15 secs - that made me depressed ("hey guys larry here" etc
