In Praise of Men

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It seems that these days, women are frustrated with the high supply sexual economy, and are putting the blame on the men for not being able to commit in a relationship. Well, America's relationship expert, Dr. Wendy Walsh wants women out there to change their mindsets on men. She explains with the research she has found how men as well are frustrated with the high supply economy.
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Like MrJ I too supported, encourage, paid and helped mine get her education. The week she graduated, she left with her bad boy boss!!!!  Good men DO finish last and always will.


More easily said than done. As soon as you do the nice guy gig. Your relationship is basically over. Nice guys finish last and will for a long time to come. Women will always choose the bum with money Over the nice guy with less.


I don't particularly trust women, and the fact that you must implore women to pass up Tiger Wood's "sexual prowess" for a good man is not helping! But I do like your videos.


Yeah right. With No-Fault Divorce all that happens is she gets "bored" with the loving caregiver and wants to jump back on the cock carousel. She does this by cheating first and when the time is right, no-fault divorce and she walks away with everything. Of course the woman will justify this as the guy is too "boring".


Great vlog! I agree completely. I am the guy that has come along side my girlfriend and supported her education and career aspirations.


Hopefully you'll find her, God's speed.


Wow. The comments are so angry! How about this for something different . . .

I am one of those great guys. How do I get a good woman to give me a chance? Or should I be asking, How do I find the woman who will give me a chance?
