JLPT N1 & Fluent in 18 Months | Matt vs Japan Interviews #10 - Stevi

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Stevi is what you might call an immersion learning prodigy. He achieved basic fluency in Japanese AND passed the JLPT N1 in just over 18 months! Now, 3 years into his Japanese journey, he continues to push forward.
***MY LINKS***
Intro music: potsu - letting go
JLPT N1 & Fluent in 18 Months | Matt vs Japan Interviews #10 - Stevi
How I Became FLUENT in Japanese: Zero to JLPT N1 🎌📚
My Worst Mistakes Learning Japanese (7 Years to JLPT N1)
From Beginner to JLPT N1 in 2 Years – Here’s How I Did It! #jlpt #learnjapanese #learnjapanesefast...
how I became fluent in Japanese from 0 to JLPT N1 level within just one year?
How I became fluent in Japanese | Kanji
How did you pass JLPT N1?
How I Learned Fluent Japanese In One Year
My JLPT journey to N1.📚🇯🇵. #jlpt #jlptn1 #japanese
My JLPT N1 Score Reaction! | ToKini Andy
Fluent Japanese In 2 Years (JLPT N1) | John In Japan
FREE JLPT Resources (N1, N2, N3, N4, N5)
I scored 180/180 on JLPT N1!! - Study Method
What the JLPT N1 was REALLY Like
Can Japanese People Pass JLPT1? (Japanese-language Proficiency Test N1)) (Interview)
Did I pass the hardest Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT N1)?
How Did You Become Fluent In Japanese?
How to become fluent in Japanese? - Interview with Steve Kaufmann
How I Passed the JLPT N1 in 9 MONTHS
I PASSED THE JLPT N1! // Test Traps and How to NOT Fail
How I became FLUENT in Japanese from 0 (the fast way)
How I Would Learn Japanese (If I Could Start Over)
Japanese Guy Tries JLPT N1
How Long It Takes to Learn Japanese (and how to make a study schedule)