The Brain God of Renaissance Art - Science on the Web #70

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Did Raphael, Gerard David and Michelangelo paint God as a human brain in a hidden allusion to neuroanatomical science of the day? Explore this fascinating theory from four UK scientists.


Michelangelo - Creation of Adam

Renaissance Science and Technology

Northern Renaissance - The Supreme Art (BBC Educational Documentary)

Descartes - Filme Completo

Leonardo da Vinci - Mini Biography

Anatomy of the brain The Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF

Picturing the Brain

Volumetric images of the entire brain in a sagittal orientation

Beachfront B-Roll Bright Sky and Clouds (Free to Use HD Stock Video Footage)

Sagittal section of the brain (Neuroanatomy Slide)

Poisons and Pigments A Talk with Art Historian Elisabeth Berry-Drago

Renaissance Da Vinci Anatomy

MICHELANGELO - THE GENIUS (Documentary) HistoryArtinventor
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"The Divine gift does not come from a higher power, but from our own minds."


I'm not sold on the clouds but Michaelangelo's Sistine chapel definitely had each part of an anatomically correct brain in there. Even the choice of color in the cloth was very organ-like.


Great vid! One correction. You said, “Midline Saggital” view of the brain at 2:27, but it’s a CORONAL image. Thanks for the video!


Did Raphael, Gerard David and Michelangelo paint God as a human brain in a hidden allusion to neuroanatomical science of the day? This Stuff to Blow Your Mind episode explores the fascinating theory.


Westworld, HBO: The man in black says; Dolores, where is the center of the maze? Dolores replies: The maze isn't made for you.


Danny wilten is the guy to watch if you have a genuine interest in the creation of Adam being a brain.


An interesting theory for you concerning brains and god in Renaissance art.


the real title of the painting is "pull my finger"


Atheists will just refuse to acknowledge, that Michelangelo was a very spiritual and religious man who wanted to symbolise that our mind is our connection to God and the spiritual realm. The gap between the fingers, where Adam has his finger hanging relaxed and lower and Gods is reaching out, shows that God offers himself to us and wants to connect with us and we can decide to reach out too with our free will or decide not to and live without Gods touch in our life. God is always there and its on us to bridge the gap.


An interesting P.O.V. coming from a practicing alchemist ;)

Keep posting stuff!! Maybe about; Harmonic resonance, vibrational levitation??


Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21
Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16


Excuse Me! Here's Oberon from KHH, R.O.C.(Taiwan). Due to the course requirement about attending a local contest, please inform if I can adopt partial of your film about God's finger. Thanks!


I think the painting tries to paint more of the idea of God made us in his own image. Of spirit. Plus the divine spark. Accepting Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit. Becoming union with God


Sorry they are way off. Remember back then they didn't have freedom of speech. So people had to come up wit different ways of saying certain things with out actually saying what you are not supposed to say.


Creation of Adam is the Orion Nebula. Orion Nebula is the human brain. As above so below!! If god is in the Orion nebula that means humans made in god's image would make a lot of sense.


Everybody who doesn't already should know that Michelangelo hated the pope of his time and just wanted to stick the finger to the whole religious organization.
That's why he's one of my creative heroes.


Angel's are angles. As an example, Jesus's 40 days and 40 nights in the desert is the equivelant of taking a blank sheet of paper, drawing a cross on that paper. Then drawing 20 upward lines (day) and 20 horizontal lines (night). It is a description of a drawing using geometry. The cross in a guide; so to speak, to drawing a cube. Once the cube is established the cross dies (cant be seen). Eventually after drawing cube after cube after Hube a cross road form again (is reborn). The bible is a description of coded images. They are amazing. Hexagon is one of these Angel's and is a key to ezikiels wheels and the throne of God. Day after Easter I drew this and had no clue how I did it.


adam-god painting looks more- like god is giving intelligence (brain) to man 


Nice of you to invite comment, thanks❣️OK, in the beginning was the Word, aka the cognitive domain or maybe the “kingdom of God, the Creator. Word signifying an idea that some have thought of as ultimate reality. Even the quantum physicist, Dr Robert Lanza, recognizes the effect of cognition on matter in his experiments. Of course, the Pope would have excommunicated the artist if he had known of his dissection of cadavers probably. The Pope had no way of knowing. Nevertheless less the Truth and Beauty of this work is impressive in that as dust in the cosmic wind arrives at a model of complexity a self awareness is established and points to a realization of itself as having been created in the image of Creator. Does this hint that there are no limits to growth? Does this hint that a role of Co-Creator is possible for these former motes of dust? As our noosphere expands is there no end to it? Well, I have to go tend my garden, no more time for these questions🎉


It's not so much that God exist only in our minds because God is nature. All things are an expression of God. But God is consciousness he exist within us and that's what the relief was trying to portray
