1 Star VS 5 Star Gorilla Tag Horror Fan Games

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1 Star VS 5 Star Gorilla Tag Horror Fan Games

In this video I played a 1 star gorilla tag horror fan game all the way to a 5 star gorilla tag horror fan game. Make sure you stay till the end so u can see what a crappy game looks like compared to a high quality game.

Tags: #gorillatag #gorillataglive #gorillatagghost #gorillatagghosthunting #gorillatagmontage #gorillatagghosttrolling #gorillatagplush #gorillataghorror #gorillatagupdate #gorillataglivestream #gorillatagmods #gorillatagmovie #gorillatagfangameswithmods #gorillatagfangames #gorillatagcopieswithmods #gorillatagand #gorillatagando #gorillatagandroid #gorillatagandrobloxmom #gorillatagandchill #gorillatagandrecroom #gorillatagandigotthesoda #gorillatagandmixedreality #gorillatagandroidapk #gorillatagandbonelab #gorillatagandvr #gorillatagandroiddownload #gorillatagandbigscary #gorillataganddaisy09 #gorillatagandmelonplayground #gtag #gtaglive #gtagmontage #gtagghosthunting #gtagghosttrolling #gtagupdate #gtagghost #gtaglivestreamnow #gtagmods #gtagcopieswithmods #gtaghorror #gtagnewupdate #gtagplush #gtagmemes #gtaghalloweenupdate2023 #gtagand #gtagando #gtagandchill #gtagandroid #gtagmodmenu gorilla tag, gorilla tag live, gorilla tag ghost, gorilla tag ghost hunting, gorilla tag montage, gorilla tag ghost trolling, gorilla tag plush, gorilla tag horror, gorilla tag update, gorilla tag live stream, gorilla tag mods, gorilla tag movie, gorilla tag fan games with mods, gorilla tag fan games, gorilla tag copies with mods, gorilla tag and, gorilla tag ando, gorilla tag android, gorilla tag and roblox mom, gorilla tag and chill, gorilla tag and rec room, gorilla tag and i got the soda, gorilla tag and mixed reality, gorilla tag android apk, gorilla tag and bone lab, gorilla tag and vr, gorilla tag android download, gorilla tag and big scary, gorilla tag and daisy09, gorilla tag and melon playground gtag memes, gtag plush, gtag new update, gtag horror, gtag copies with mods, gtag mods, gtag live stream now, gtag, gtag live, gtag montage, gtag ghost hunting, gtag ghost trolling, gtag update, gtag ghost, gorilla tag, gorilla tag live, gorilla tag ghost, gorilla tag ghost hunting, gorilla tag montage, gorilla tag ghost trolling, gorilla tag plush, gorilla tag horror, gorilla tag update, gorilla tag live stream, gorilla tag mods, gorilla tag movie, gorilla tag fan games with mods, gorilla tag fan games, finger painter, fp, gtag rotating map, gorilla tag rotating map
Рекомендации по теме

PLEASE READ. I know some of you guys are mad at the fact that my ratings were off or mad that i called games crappy. But i didn’t make the script of the intro and my good friend made the list of games to play and the ratings so if they were off im sorry.


Just know private servers all alone in mines is true horror


11:16 "haha loser! Famous last words


Bro, the one star game used to be my favorite game to play but now they’re probably working on a rework or an update and I can’t play it anymore anymore. I’m never never got enough of. It was so funny playing that game. 1:50


No scary baboon, and why the Frick is big scary only rated 3 stars like why


W video I was in it which makes even more W❤


Hola soulzsVR it’s me axo the news reporter in your horror film


Imagine watching a random video and some guy says your game is crappy. 😭🙏


That’s definitely not a mouse” got me dieing


Moderator here for gorilla depth! Just here to say the owner ( bananasxr ) spends roughly 4 hours a day when making this game. He only spent mainly 2 months, making this game. So if you’re going to call it crappy please be a bit nicer. Gorilla depth is better than the 2 star at least. Plus, there’s is a lot to do in gorilla depth. You barely even played it, gorilla depth has more levels, cosmetics, etc. No, this not a hate comment I wrote this because your making fun of peoples games, even though they spend hours. Please play gorilla depth and check it out if you’re reading this. Also the monsters don’t camp it’s just the eyeball has a big range of detecting people. Anyways, love the vids keep going! ( edit: I read pinned comment btw )


Ngl, the first one looks insanely good compared to my gorilla tag fan game so far😭🙏


Maybe the real gorilla tag horror fan games were the friends we made along the way 😊


Can you maybe do monke hangout when it comes out? It will have some bugs since it’s gonna be released to the public later today. (It has a buggy but working tag)


My friend
Can u tell me what do u use to edit the videos?


Bro the 2 star is pretty good when it works


What's up bro moderator for animal company year thank you so much for putting our game on the five star we spend a lot of time on it and we hope you like it we just put a bunch of updates on and Wooster even watched this video just here to say thanks for playing the game


In the three star game in the crawl space when he got jumpscared it made the ambush sound from doors


I would put fear massive 3 star it’s such a good game maybe it was glitched for you but is sooo goood😊😊


In monkey lab in back rooms u get chased by a bull


5:28 how is this higher than big scary?