How to build basketball recruiting videos that college coaches actually watch

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A great highlight video is key to your recruiting. If you build it wrong your recruitment can quickly come to an end.

You want to help your college recruiting.

The problem is games are being canceled and college coaches can’t watch you play.

Now the clock is ticking and you are running out of time. How do you start or continue your college recruiting?

How do you play in front of college coaches when there are no games to play?

How do you capitalize on the hard work you have put in?

By taking advantage of the situation.

College coaches are stuck in their offices. But they still need to recruit players to their rosters. This is a huge opportunity to capture their attention while they can't go anywhere. If you seize this rare opportunity in the right way, you are going to put yourself in a great position.

But if you don’t take it seriously, you may hurt yourself in the process.

How do you take advantage? Create a professional highlight video that you can show to hundreds of college coaches.

We can help.

For the last 20 years, we’ve been perfecting the recruiting video template. We know the business and exactly what college coaches need to see.

More importantly, we know what they DON’T want to see. We know what will kill your chances of having them watch your video. The wrong plays. The wrong stats. Showing the video in the wrong order or going too long or not long enough.

Using the correct template is critical to your success.

Here’s how we can help.

Get us your game film and we’ll build you the best recruiting video available. We will guide you in what works and what you need to avoid. Our expertise is knowing how to present a player in a way that instantly grabs a coach's attention. Then we keep that coach interested all the way to the end of your video.

This is why our service is different. We don't cut and paste video clips. Anyone can do that. We take your best clips, refine them, put them in the correct order, and remove the stuff that coaches hate.

To get started, go to the signup page, fill out the information, and we’ll take care of the rest.

By using our professional service, you will avoid making the mistakes that drive coaches to delete your video.

We can’t guarantee that you will get recruited. But we can guarantee that we will help you get the chance that you deserve and have worked hard to earn.

We look forward to helping your recruiting!
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