How To Keep the Asian Forest Scorpion Heterometrus Species Care

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This week I tell you all about how I care for, set up, and feed my Asian Forest Scorpion. Whether you have a Heterometrus spinifer, Heterometrus petersii, Heterometrus silenus or Heterometrus longimanus...the care and husbandry for this scorpion is identical.

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00:00 Intro
01:04 Location, Environment, Behavior
01:30 Difference between Emperor and Asian Forest
02:20 Temperament
02:37 Communal
03:12 Enclosures and Husbandry
05:22 Feeding
05:58 Bioactive
06:50 Substrates
07:53 Overview
08:08 Experiences and Opinions
08:40 Outro

#tarantulatuesday #TarantulaCollective #scorpion
Рекомендации по теме

I have the Asian Forest scorpion and I named her Zoey. She's in a bioactive enclosure with jungle mix. I put a ounce of sliced pumpkin in there once ever other week, to feed the springtails and Isopods. It helps maintain their population and in turn they keep mold and decaying matter under control.


You have officially covered all the invertebrates I have.


So far we have 7 t.s, 1 pac man frog, 1 bearded dragon and today my ol man is bringing home one of these amazing creatures! Super stoked. Thanks for the helpful tips


I have one named General Pinchers. She has since blessed me with approximately 12 grand-scorps. It’s getting close to time to find them some homes. ❤️


Asian forest scorpions got me into the hobby a few months ago


My AFS has a huge attitude problem haha. Every time I mist her enclosure she gives me a pose.


My first scorpion was an asian forest scorpion, ive had him for a month and a half now.


I keep two of these communally. I love how they cuddle together in their burrow. Would be separating them once I rehouse them, tho. They would be perfect for my first attempt at a bioactive enclosure! Thanks for the care guide, Richard!


Picked up an Asian Forest Scorpion today. He is cool! Appreciate this video. Keep up the great work!


Awesome camera work and props for making the focus of your filming the scorpion and not your face like so many other youtubers.


Thank you for your hard work and the quality you produce!


Randomly picked up a pregnant Asian forest scorpion at an expo this weekend and it makes me so thankful for your videos.


I picked one up that turned out to be Heterometrus Cyaneus, which is absolutely identical in almost all ways to the other species in the genus, except that it's apparently semi arboreal. Given the fact that mine has taken up climbing on the ivy in the enclosure and putting up threat displays in what I assume is intended as a giant middle finger to science for saying the Heterometrus genus is fossorial.

Gonna be upgrading her to a 10 gallon once she molts, but for now she's happy as a 3rd instar in a little 3 gallon Zoo Med Creatures vertical enclosure I got for half price at Petco that she shares with her pet dubia roach (it's... a very strange situation. That little roach was supposed to be food, but she won't eat it. She'll even defend it from the crickets and eat THEM instead. I cannot, for the life of me, explain why she does what she does)


I'm very happy that you mentioned the small morphological differences such as the claws and colour of the telson. They may be subtle, but they do help in identifying at least the genus. I had a sub-adult P. imperator during my first year of invert keeping. It became a pet hole, so I eventually tired of it. Instead of dropping it off at the pet shop I bought it, I did better : I donated to an Insectarium. I knew it would fare much better there. I haven't owned a scorpion in over a decade and I wouldn't want something that burrows. So that marks off anything Wouldn't feel comfortable with medically significant species either, so all Buthidae are crossed off. Leaves me with very few and less popular options such as Smeringurus mesaensis or Paravaejovis spinigerus.

For the time being, I'm perfectly content with just a handful of Brachypelma, Grammostola and Tliltocatl, which are always out on display. Still need to acquire at least one US native Aphonopelma down the road to really consider my small collection complete. Stay safe and thanks for sharing :)


Your editing is FREAKING phenomenal. Plus great zoom shots.


It must get so tiring lugging around those massive claws 24/7 🦂💪🏻


Ok 1st h.spinifer and h.longimanus are not misidentified as emperors they are more rare but yes h.silenus will be sold under those three names (in the US hobby trade i should say)
2nd, h.spinifer and h.longimanus again also will have colored telson's just like emperors
3rd, alot of AFS also have granulated claws like emperors like C.Tristis or g.swammerdami etc but the most commonly named ones (the ones spoken about in the vid) will have way smoother claws
4th i don't recommend isopods with your inverts as they can take advantage and eat your animal but springtails ive never seen any problems with.
But nothing less this was a truly amazing video the care tips were really good keep it up man!


Thanks for the reptile collab videos! I added my first Scorpion to the collection today! Asian Forest Scorpion! After watching this video I checked and mine has the black sting also! Appreciate your help and knowledge! I know this enclosure is perfect now!🤜🤛


My first scorpion was an Emperor scorpion, and I got that 10+ years ago. TODAY, I picked up a very young Asian Forest Scorpion, and I'm really excited to watch its journey as it matures. I named mine Ghengis Khan 😁.


omg earliest i've been, i've been waiting for asian forest scorpions guide 😍, one of the few arachnids i really want !
