The Easiest Fruit Tree (That Gives you Free Organic Berries for LIFE!)

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This is the no-work way to grow berries, and it's gotta be the easiest fruit tree you can grow.

We were on our way to the beach in Pensacola when I spotted one of the easiest fruit trees you can grow - a mulberry! Right by the highway, loaded with fruit and taking care of itself in a weedy lot. Growing mulberries is so easy I don't know why everyone doesn't do it. Just plant a mulberry tree. Trust me - you won't regret it.






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I was pruning my mulberry tree and cut the branches up to use for mulch. They literally started growing new trees from pieces of branches I just threw on the ground. Those new trees are doing great.


I have learned cuttings I believe from your videos and have given away dozens of mulberry bushes I started and figs I started from cuttings🤘🏻and fixing to do about 100 more mulberry cuttings. So easy and a confidence booster.


mulberries grow everywhere - i moved to a new house up here in connecticut and found in the backyard there were two mulberry trees back behind some other trees and overgrown with some vines and obviously forgotten for years, but they were still thriving and producing fruit.


You just reminded me of a family property in Turkey that I used to frequent that has dozens of massive mulberry trees around the complex. They are so delicious and plentiful, that my relatives would dry them and sell them. They become like a natural chewy gummy candy when dried! I love em!!


Zone 5b (now 6a, HA!) Neighbor has a black mulberry tree, it's HUGE and produces a massive amount of fruit which is used only by the birds. I got his permission to harvest some this year, can't wait to try some mulberry recipes!


This video was brought to you today by the Cactus Cantina and the letter “C”😂😂


I rescued some 3g dwarf Mulberry bushes from a garden center for $6 I got 5 for the price of one and watered them and fed with organic fertilizer and they are beautiful!


I have to keep chopping the top off mine to keep it short enough for me to pick without a ladder. Dwarf mulberry doesn't mean what you think it means, lol.


I had never seen a mulberry tree before we bought our house 50+ years ago. They're growing all over our neighborhood and we've had a small bush growing on our beach for all these years. The poor thing has been nearly totally destroyed, I don't know how many times, but it's like the cat in the old folk song. We thought it was a goner so many times, but it keeps coming back! I think I'm going to take a few cuttings and stick them in the ground all around the yard, because they're so easy to grow, and you can't beat the fruit. Pies, cakes, put them on your bowl of cereal, whatever. They're all good ways to eat them!


I have one really big mulberry tree in my back yard and I love it. The only drawback (other than it being too tall to easily harvest from) is the seeds got spread around and now I have mulberry trees popping up everywhere (except of course where I would not mind having another tree) and taking over the property. Once established, they are nearly as hard to kill as a mimosa tree. (I have cut down the same mimosa tree every year for the last five years or so and it keeps coming back lol)


I got at least seven of these trees and I didn't plant a single one. I credit the mocking birds and the occasional flock of Cedar Waxwing birds that come thru my area.


Planted a dwarf overbearing mulberry up here in Oregon last year, and it's amazing how much even it grew in its first season in ground. Started off about 8" high, ended up at about 8' by winter. I did have to cut it back quite a bit, though. Our cold snap followed by a week in the high 60s and 70s caused the bark to pretty much shred all the way around the tree for about the top half of the trunk. But I got a lot of cuttings propagated for backups!


How easy are mulberries to propagate?

SUPER Easy! Every spring before everything wakes up, I go and prune our morus rubra .. got to prune that native mulberry, or it will grow taller than the house! There will always be a lot of little twigs left over from the pruning. Then I cut them up about 6" long, pull off all of the leaves (if they have started breaking) except for one or two at the top (and, this is assuming that the cambium layer is green, and the twig is alive) jam that puppy into some moist peat moss in a kiddie pool under a shade tree, where the sprinklers will hit it whenever they turn on. By the next spring, its time to transplant all of the new trees. _This method also works with cuttings taken after fruiting, so if you are capturing a wild mulberry, you may sample the fruit before deciding to bring one home._ This year we hit saturation with mulberry trees .. from now on, I am propagating them for export, huzzah!


The first fresh mulberries I'd ever tasted came from a tree we grew ourselves :-)


I have 3, and taking lots of cuttings this year. I just completed an elderberry and blackberry hedge here in FL 9a


Had one in our yard as a child, near Fort Lauderdale. It put out a lot of fruit with no care. I wonder how much more if it were loved.


Just bought my first mulberry a couple weeks ago! Well, it's only a 5" tall twig right now, but I have great hopes! Should do well in the hot humid Japanese summer.


I'm in Ky and mulberries are all over the place, like weeds. Another benefit is that whenever you do have to cut them down they burn really not in your wood stove.👍


We have native red mulberries… only about a quarter bear fruit, so we clone the fruiting one and use non fruiting for firewood… they put on size like no other


I have successfully grown a couple of elderberries from cuttings but now I know I can do it with mulberries. Can’t wait to try next year.
