128. No One Knows the Day Nor the Hour – Mark 13:33-34

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Jesus has been speaking about the end of the world and His return in glory. Now, He gives his disciples a critical warning.

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch." - Mark 13:32-34 (NKJV)

Jesus is indicating that in His earthly humanity, the Father had not yet revealed the time of His second coming when He spoke these words. However, today, the Son who sits at the right hand of the Father on the throne of heaven certainly knows when He will return.

When Jesus says that His going away will be like a man who leaves His house and assigns a servant at the door to keep watch, the purpose of the man at the door wasn't to keep watching to see when the master would return.

His task was to stand at the door watching, protecting the house and its contents from thieves and damage. Jesus tells us that our most important mission until He returns is to look after His house. However, the most important thing that Jesus is warning about is the danger of predicting the exact time of His return.

After His resurrection, Jesus said to His followers: It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His authority. Even when you cannot know them, are you willing to fully trust Jesus with the times and seasons of your life?


The Incredible Journey is a donor-funded ministry passionate about communicating our bold vision of sharing the good news of Christ and preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus.
We are devoted to giving Biblical answers to life’s questions through television, the Internet, social media, Bible Centre, evangelistic ministry and Christian living and faith-sharing resources.

Gary Kent is the speaker for The Incredible Journey media ministry. He holds a B.A. in Theology, M.A. in Ancient History & Archaeology, and M. in Divinity. He is an archaeologist who has excavated numerous sites throughout Israel and Jordan. As an internationally-acclaimed speaker and TV presenter, he has spoken and produced numerous documentaries on subjects including the Bible, Bible prophecy, world events and natural health. His passion is to share the good news of Jesus’ imminent return.
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Even now come quickly LORD. HALLELUYAH


It is distortions like this video about Jesus' actual meaning of what He said that keep believers in the dark of what they should know and believe


Thank you. God bless you & everyone watching 🙏💛


Jesus Christ taught about the coming Kingdom of GOD, that He
was the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one can enter the
Kingdom except through Him. (Jesus) Repent for the Kingdom of GOD
is at hand, the return of our Lord & saviour Jesus Christ is nearing time
is fast running out. Believe in the life, death & resurrection of Jesus Christ
believe in the Gospel of Salvation and believe in the coming Kingdom of GOD
be born again in Christ and be saved. ✨✨✨✨🙏🕊🕊🙏✨✨✨✨


When Jesus told His Galilean disciples Nobody knows the day or hour, He was in fact telling them The Feast of Trumpets was the time of His return


If you ask a Jew when is the time that no one knows the day or hour? They’ll tell you, “Feast of Trumpets.” 🎺✨🎺✨🎺✨🎺✨🎺✨🎺


Although it is true that no one can know the day or hour of Christ's return, we can know the season by the signs of the times given in prophecy. According to the Hebrew calendar we are now living in the year 5782. Using the principles of the Bible, we can be sure that Jesus will return and that this world will come to an end anytime within the next 218 years.


No one knows d day and hour bcoz he is in human form!but now, Jesus knows when he will come and he gave us a warning on dreams dat rapture is coming...i had so mny tym i hd a dream of dat like my son and daughtr and mny people


And if only God knows when the world knows, then why are humans trying to force it so bad


this guy has absolutely missed the mark. "no man knows the hour" is a Hebrew idiom and has a very significant meaning.


Jesus not knowing the hour shows that God the Father is greater than him, because God the father knows everything and Jesus didn’t know somethings like many other things he didn’t know about, Stop worshipping a human being just like yourself and worship God Alone without any associations, AllahuAkbar!
