Why Dana White Does Not Like MMA Film WARRIOR

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Frank Grillo (Purge, The Grey) joins us this week to share how behind the tattoos, muscles, and grit he has transformed his life to be in service to those who are at their lowest point. Frank shares how his bond for Liam Neeson came full circle after working with him in The Grey, and also how working with Nick Nolte in Warrior changed his career. We also talk about his background as a fighter, his switch to DC from Marvel, and his experience working with friends of the show Scott Caan and JK Simmons on One Day As a Lion.

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Why Dana White Does Not Like MMA Film WARRIOR #insideofyou #warrior #ufc
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Dana hates it cuz the guy at the end actually made a good pay day 🤣


Warrior was absolutely magnificent. Truly emotional. I'm assuming Dana hates the movie cause it shows a lot of the trauma and pain that a lot of these guys have in their background. That's not something you want front and center if it's your business to market. It's not really a movie that sells MMA. It's about the relationships and pain and forgiveness around it.


Went to see this with my mum as she is a big Tom Hardy fan, cinema packed with fight fans and macho dudes. During the last fight i scanned around the room and I've never seen so many guys fighting back the tears, it was so emotional, when the film ended the place cleared out like there was a fire, hoodies on faces hidden. I don't think even half the audience was prepared for just how drawn into the characters lives the film would take them. Warrior is an amazing movie.


Warrior is a awesome movie, Dana white hates it because the fighters actually got paid and it showed the backstory, the pain, the trauma, and the sacrifices fighters often make, not exactly good when you want to draw in a audience that wants only a show and knockout


Warrior had me crying like a baby, fantastic movie, nick nolte and tom hardy absolutely kill it with their performances


*Warrior is EPIC Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton were awesome but Nick Nolte was INCREDIBLE*
Very well done film all around. Inspiring, thought provoking, entertaining and endearing, everything you could hope for in cinema.


Absolutely brilliant film, and Kingdom was a great show


If you want to see your man cry, put this movie on, especially if he has a brother. The end of this movie had me weeping like a baby. Like just ugly crying.


This comments section is so wholesome. I was an amateur MMA fighter when this came out, and I had a buddy of mine who served in the Marine Corps call me up and say, "Bro, you have GOT to see this movie. I will go back to the theaters and watch it with you, TODAY." I was so blindsided by how it impacted me on an emotional level. I said the same thing to my oldest brother(who was living on the other side of the country), that we HAD to watch this with one another. In that last scene, our faces, as two fully grown martial artists, were a mask of tears. After the screen was dark, we literally got up, hugged, and just held each other bawling.

My brother and I have been best friends for over a decade at this point, and this is still one of my fondest memories of the two of us. Two grown, strong men, brothers, in full masculine vulnerability.

I love you, Lucas.


The end of the movie always makes me cry. So good.


Warrior isnt about the fighting. Its about the relationship between father, son and brother. It deals with so many issues e.g. domestic violence, poverty, family, parenthood. Fighting is just the vessel to which moves the plot forward. Its a beautiful film.


Warrior made me feel more than some Rocky movies have. RIP. Rumble Johnson


Joel Edgerton and Tom Hardy - that's a very dynamic acting duo. I've always liked Grillo, he's got a great presence on film, and he handles his physical work so well.


One of my fav movies. Frank is such an underrated actor.


I had a strained troubled relationship with my brother for years. We worked on fixing it and forgiving each other. I convinced him to watch it with me one day and we cried at the end and hugged it out.


Love warrior, film was fantastic

As someone who used to compete in ju jitsu with my brother (not MMA) it was awesome.

Seen it over a 100 times man, it reminds me of my relationship with my brother also and makes me cry every time.


Changed my life, got me into MMA and the gym, saved my life


Warrior is one of the most amazing movies I’ve ever seen. It was so dark, gritty, and emotional. I think it really shows the pain that a lot of fighters go through and how that pain pushes them in their careers. To top it all off, the acting was so good I forgot I was watching a movie.


Warrior IS great. Great acting, great screenplay, amazing ride overall. It absolutely doesn't get the recognition it deserves


Movie is soooo underrated; as much as I love the fight scenes my fav is the Hardy/Nolte scene at the hotel - powerful stuff and tearjerker
