The diagnostic odyssey of a rare genetic disease | Dina Zielinski | TEDxCluj

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The Human Genome Project was completed 20 years ago, providing a map that has been the foundation of major advances in our understanding of human genetics. A key finding of the HGP is that every one of us shares more than 99% of our DNA. It can be challenging to disinguish the good changes that make us unique versus those that cause disease. Genetics can be a lot like the work of detectives. Fortunately, we have a lot of prior knowledge to find the culprit: the disease causing mutation. Our understanding of human health and disease is the result remarkable advances in sequencing technology, but importantly, global collaboration has allowed us to understand both biological function and dysfunction. There are many challenges ahead but we have the tools to diagnose and transform how we treat genetic diseases. Biolog molecular de pregătire, ea a fost inspirată să învețe bioinformatica pentru a da viață datelor biologice. Majoritatea cercetărilor ei au fost în genetică umană și genomică, dar este motivată să continue să învețe și să-și folosească abilitățile pentru a răspunde la întrebări interesante care ne provoacă cele mai profunde cunoștințe științifice.

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