Are INFPs Addicted to Negativity? Find Out! 🤔

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If you’re new to Geek Psychology, my name is Matt Sherman. People call me Sherman. I'm a personality type expert, life coach, hypnotist, author, podcaster, and course creator. I help mainly INFPs embrace their unique strengths and navigate life's challenges. Through practical strategies and deep insights, I aim to help people like you live a more fulfilling and authentic live where you can wake up and feel good about who you are and your impact on the world. In this video, I share a realization about how INFPs (and other personality types) can easily get addicted to seeking negative emotions 😔, and how it's crucial for us to break free from this cycle. We'll explore the importance of embracing positive emotions 😄, stepping out of our mental echo chambers, and taking action to bring new possibilities 🌟 and directions into our lives.

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I'm an INFP and have always wondered why I'm drawn to the dark side of things. I think it's so we get a feel to understand better. We are not always drawn to sunshine and rainbows!


I can totally see how INFPs can get rapped up in felling generated genres like horror films and romance novels, for a quick fix of feeling. The problem is that this is the same as being lost in your head, it’s not reality and only temporary. I think one of the greatest ways to overcome this is to bring the worlds, characters, images, sounds, ideas, creations and hopes in your head (especially the positive ones) to life in art, music, writing or even real life.


As an INFJ I can totally relate to the pulling yourself down to a deep dark well. I’m good at hiding it from the world, though. So people think everything is alright


Living in isolation or solitude can amplify this sometimes. 🙃


Yeah I've noticed when im in a bad mood or something I start to crave more of that negative feeling. I have to catch myself from spiraling


I think there is a control aspect. Like INFPs put themselves in bad situations so they can get that "feeling hit" that they are familiar with and thus can control. It’s almost like it’s safer to feel bad then try to feel good/love/happiness. So, in a way the positive feelings become terrifying.


I think people don’t realize how existential ENFP’s are as well. And I have a dark one that repeats itself when I see inhumanity, and I can’t always talk myself out of it.


Life is full of contradictions for me, leading me to think where do I belong, I try surround myself with people but they frustrate me alot, too much betrayal, too much selfishness that I see, too much manipulative behaviours, envy and pride. So I tried to lessen those in my life(except for my direct family) and I live alone still, now that I am alone, I am also having hard time and the pain is still there that I seem not like human, but at the same time it is more preferable and even the loneliness is so difficult I rather go that path than taking up other people's drama and issues. Most in my life, wherever I go, people seem to genuinely hate me even when I do nothing. Life is tough. Tho, tbh and in a positive light. My life is provided. I have food, shelter, adequate money, luck. I think it is the price with hardships I got.


For me it's where i think i find some hidden truths, it's where i believe where i can see true intend (or it's easier to see it) Also, i'm just dealing with things which i consider important to deal with. (Problems you know? personal issue's.. )

And yeah.. it ain't pretty what i'm thinking about and i'm bothered about it, which makes me dive only deeper into the subject to try to figure it out and give it all a place in my head/heart.

Another important point ( i think)
It gives me a headsup, a preparation of whats to come.. because i can vividly play scenario's in my head, i am able to prepare myself. So when it comes, i'll be ready and i know what to do/can do, so that i wont be stunned by it.


That's interesting. As an INFJ it is similar. I see all the bad possibilities, they're actually like always present in my mind. But I'm so aware of it that I always say to myself: "And what then ?" Cause I want to act anyway so I use positivity as a source of motivation to be productive and better the world as much as I can despite that. That's why people are annoying when they say I'm not realistic. I'm not going to settle for that and just pointing at everything that sucks and is negative cause I can go all day. Life sucks but what can we do with the few cards we have in hand ?


Its true. I sometimes wonder if i self sabotage so i can curl up and just live in the river of sorrow of poor me.


Yeah true😢 its kinda like an addiction, just as smoking or drinking.


I think this is similar to ppl who suffer from mental problems/depression/trauma in general


Not addicted to negative emotions, just burned out by extroverted feeling cheerleader fake positivity that has nothing do do with reality. It's bloody irritating.


That's why I need my tragic fictional ocs bruh 🤣 so I can get my fix without affecting my irl too much


I disagree. Based on my observations this seems to be more of an NF or SF trait in general. Some other types I have seen to do the same. It's not reserved only for INFPs. INFJs and ISFJs are even worse at doing this but they are able to hide it.
