Interview of Ms.Yumi Tsuchida, Benesse, India Pvt. Ltd. during event organised by Benesse

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Interview of Ms.Yumi Tsuchida, Benesse, India Pvt. Ltd. during a summit titled “Future of education and enabling well-being” organised by Benesse Corporation Japan at The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi on 25th November 2022.

One of Japan’s leading education companies, Benesse Corporation has announced its entry into the Indian education space. In order to share their learning and gather insights from the Indian educators, Benesse recently conducted a summit titled “Future of education and enabling well-being”. Organised by Ek Updesh, the event took place in The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. The Chief Guest of the event was Shri Himanshu Gupta (Director Education, Govt of NCT, Delhi). The event marked the presence of renowned dignitaries who shared their insights on the contemporary aspects of the Indian education system. The day was divided into keynote sessions and panel discussions on topics such as- “back to classroom- (online vs offline), improving well-being at school and relevance of student data analysis to improve learning outcomes.”

Reflecting on their India entry, Mr Kotaro Ueda, Representative Director of Benesse India Private Limited said “We have been looking at the India education space for a very long time and did some small engagements in the past. What completely convinced us this time around to start our operations in India was the New Education Policy of 2020. When we did our assessment of the Policy, we concluded that several measures proposed there are very similar to how the K12 and higher education system evolved in Japan over the years. And, therefore, our experience could be of some help to our school partners in India”

Speaking during the summit, Mr Hemant Joshi, Executive Director of Benesse India Private Limited stated “we envisage to work with the schools in a very data backed way. And, hence, one of our first offerings is around student assessment backed continuous improvement programmes. This data provides actionable insights into key strengths and areas of development at the level of the school, class and individual students; which translates into a continuous improvement programme executed in partnership between the school and Benesse. Similarly, our second offering is focused on providing specific learning support to students based on the assessment findings. Many other offerings are on the anvil and are being shaped leveraging our experience in Japan and the basis of the feedback we are receiving from our clients in India.”

Set up in the year 1955, Benesse has been among the largest education companies in the country for the last 6+ decades. The heart of Benesse is enjoying the process of moving forward, step-by-step and with resolve, towards the realisation of people’s dreams and aspirations.

Currently ~90% High schools in Japan subscribe to Benesse’s services. In addition, the company offers B2C/D2C services for pre-K, K12, university, and adult/corporate learners. Japan has made significant progress in PISA rankings and has been ranked at No.1 in PISA since 2015 amongst 10M+ population countries. And it is the service focused and student-centred education ecosystem in the country, of which Benesse is a part, which has contributed to that over the decades.

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