MGTOW Its The Safest Choice

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Its no wonder why men are going thier own way. Feminism and the decline of the modern woman is pushing men away like never before. I can't blame men for protecting themselves and not committing. If I where A man, id be MGTOW too.
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First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who was respectful whether they agreed or disagreed with my views. Just to clarify some things, this video is not about whether im trust worthy or trying to deceive "I have no control over what one chooses to think of me", that doesn't make what im saying any less true. The purpose of this video is to point out that men are not committing anymore and are protecting themselves from the destruction caused by women.MGTOW doesn't effect me directly because im married and have been for 10 years.Those of you commenting saying not to trust me because I have a car seat in the backseat, nowhere in my videos have I lied about being a mother. I do have 2 children from my husband. Again im not on the market so trying to get attention is not the agenda. The agenda is speaking out on what I perceive as the truth and hoping to reach out to others who share my opinions. I have a 2 year old son who will date girls later on and I worry about him. I also worry about what my daughter will deal with later on. Im also hoping to reach out to other women who agree with my views because Ive had nothing but issues with all my past female friends.


I wonder how many more "where have all the good men gone" articles will be published over the next 5 years?


Amen! I hate it because I'm a heterosexual woman, but I cannot blame men for trying to avoid problems.


It's about time a Woman is speaking out on what other women are doing in society


After my divorce last year and now having to pay child support and losing everything I had. I've been Mgtow for 8 months. And let me tell you, It's the best thing I've done in a long time. I'm able to save money now. Paying child support isn't to bad because I get 50/50 with my daughter. Every time I think about dating a women it really doesn't intrigue me anymore. I'm actually kind of scared to lol but I'm not lonely by no means if that makes sense.


Agreed. If I was a man I would be extremely cautious.


Man, I'm so glad I came across this channel. It makes me feel so much better that I'm not alone in this way of thinking.

I never imagined as a kid that I'd be 37 years old, never married, and without kids. I'm Hispanic and was brought up Catholic. Though I no longer practice I still hold a lot of those old school values.

After my enlistment in the Marines I went to college and earned a 4 year degree. Through my twenties and early thirties I saw so many of my guy friends have their lives ruined by baby mamas and short lived marriages. Also, I can't tell you how often I felt I was some how in competition with the women I was dating. These women didn't bring anything to the table, but I had to bring some sort of status and/or be able to provide some ridiculous amount of income. Keep in mind that I've had a steady career, have my own place, finance my own vehicle without a consigner, and still able to vacation once or twice a year. I decided I would just do my own thing and be single because we live in a time that I could get it when I needed it without having to even try much. Girls make it really easy. So there was no incentive pursue a relationship, if most of the women I'd come across couldn't even keep up their own household.

I waited until I finally did meet a woman who had gone back to school to be an RN and had old school values. She lets me drive us through life doesn't think it's beneath her to cook and clean.

Men, hold out until you meet you and old school one!


Totally agree I am 58 been single for 20 years now . Priorities and values really messed up people today don't even know what gender they are .


This Woman has restored my faith in today's Generation


I saw you on a MGTOW channel. Kudos! I just wish women were logical that's all. Equality isn't possible. If anything, they want to tip the scale in their favor. I'm fine being a man but you have to be the woman. Because if you want equality then you better work as hard as I and pay as much as I, legit.


Here is the deal. Women now want to be men. They compete with men to be the provider in the family. They do everything in their power to emasculate men, and then they hold them accountable for the result. If your wife competes with you to be the primary provider, and you let that happen, either by not winning the competition, or by supporting her in her ambition, she will see you as devalued. she will then you cheat on you because she has no respect for you, or she will go out and find another man with higher stature than you. Mostly because she still has the innate need to feel provided for and to be protected, and you just lost that role to her. If you fight her in her effort to achieve dominance, she will accuse you of being a sexist. It has put men in a double bind with no winning outcome for them. Keep it up ladies, and men will learn they can't make you happy. A man's ability to make you happy is the most important thing to a man. If they can't achieve that, they will quit trying, and you'll just get used, because they will avoid any type of relationship in order to maintain their dignity and self respect.


I really don't want to stay alone for the rest of my life, but I'm very much aware of the pitfalls you're talking about. You're spot-on. It's like a minefield out there.


I am in my fifties and am just now rebuilding from the devastation of not one, but two divorces. So I don't need this lesson, but this is a great message for the younger guys. I just hope they listen and pray they don't let the little head over rule the big head and get into trouble, that often last for decades.
Like i said I am in my fifties and spent over half my life living like dog because of the corruption of the family courts. I didn't get any warning about just how terrible the system treats fathers and men, and how it promotes irresponsible behavior.
So this lady is right AVOID MARRIAGE LIKE THE PLAGUE, in fact you would be better off with the plague, atleast that can be treated and you'd get some sympathy, unlike how the family courts treat you... ie like an animal who is only good for stealing money from and blaming for everything.


I totally agree. I am 21 and when I talk like this women and men my age look at me like I am a 2 headed snake. At this point looks like I'll be single forever because there are less men my age who believe in gender roles, and believe women are destroying family and society!


It's comforting to see and hear another woman saying the things I believe and have tried to foster in the young men my Husband of 20 years and I are raising! Thank You


Any females who agree with this video is a queen


Holy crap did I just listen to a real woman? the world needs more of this


I am neither a feminist nor ultra conservative. I believe NOBODY should be used or abused. I have a son and a daughter, and I would want BOTH of them to be treated well and cherished by their partners. Having both a son and a daughter has given me compassion for both men and women.


holy crap...I didn't realize there's a kid in the backseat until @05:11 lol


my ex-wife lived in the house all bills paid by me the only Bill she had was her phone bill and gas in her car she had a job working at a doctor's office making 15 dollars an hour and all I ever heard was you do nothing for me you leave me on my own I kid you not
