FILM BREAKDOWN: It's Too Early To Give Up On Will Levis

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Justin Graver breaks down every Will Levis drop back under pressure from the Titans' Week 2 loss to the New York Jets, looking to see if Will Levis is salvageable and where he still needs to get better.


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The important thing is that he’s getting better. He turned a number of pressures in to positive gains which he didn’t do last week. He took 4 sacks on about 18 pressures, 22%. That’s on the high end, you’d love to see closer 15% to feel really good about it. If he keeps improving though, I think he could get there


Quality breakdown. Npf looked like a high schooler out there. I genuinely don't think Cally is even capable of calling all the plays he wants to due to our line, but maybe I'm wrong.


Thanks for this Graver, love your breakdowns. Needed some detail of what happened when I was depressed sunday like Melo haha. People calling on Cally to bench Levis need to watch this (and relax lol). He's on his 5th offense in 5 years, his footwork was way improved and he wasn't looking for contact while rushing. I think he can make a lot of improvement this year, and hopefully those bonehead plays are non existent by seasons end.


Great breakdown Justin, good to show the positives, improvements and progress Levis has made. For the most part outside of the fumble he made better decisions under pressure, with quicker decisions, climbing the pocket and check down throws. It's great you're not sugarcoating also the poor decisions and turnover plays to continue to give Callahan anf Titans fans nightmares.

Levis forcing it into double coverage to Burks when Ridley is open on the crosser in the Dagger concept was a head scratcher. It would be a real positive start to that drive to bounce back after the fumble mistake. He's got to make the throw to the correct read. 🤞

Until then he is going to live and die by the sword of being aggressive with his arm until he learns to make the right read based on the play design, down and distance.

Let's see how he does in week 3. Thanks for your video breakdown. TitanUp


Thanks Graver for the breakdown, good stuff man! I want to believe too!


Thanks for the breakdown. Realistic expectations for a young QB in his second HC and Offense scheme was that his head is still spinning by mid-way through the season. My expectation were that by that point he's getting used to the system and should be showing progress. He's going to be thinking too much but like you said we want to see incremental progress.

It is nice to see the game being winnable even after catastrophic mistakes. The pass pro still sucks.


My feeling after Sunday was that if the fumble hadn't happened the narrative around Levis this week would be completely different.


Excellent Justin! Thanks for sharing this!


I still have hope. Still has time to get better, also, as long as the line stays healthy they are a new unit and hopefully they improve with good coaching. A half second extra for Will would be a godsend.


Great stuff, really informative and gave me a teensy bit of hope for the rest of the season! 😅


This is excellent analysis. Agree, he is improving and I'm betting on him to be The Guy!!


Levis improved a lot - only one boneheaded play - in week one he had 3 of those (maybe more)


Boosting the alg, haven’t started the vid yet but hopefully it’s not as bad as I think, just feels like keeeps doing things franchise qbs don’t do


Levis is definitely improving, but there are growing pains which is to be expected. He has yet to play a full season.
He is recognizing the pressure and giving his guys chances. Plays like the toss to Whyle for 12 on the run instead of just scrambling for 2-3 shows growth.

Unfortunately, all of his progress is ignored when he tries lobbing the ball backwards to his RB while cartwheeling in the red-zone.
Sometimes he needs to just accept that a play doesn't pan out, take the sack and move on to the next.
Quit the hero ball, it's unnecessary and is actively hurting the team.


on the pick to Burks, BC specifically said he didn't mind that throw to Burks. he actually likes the aggressiveness.


The Burks int isn't a bad read honestly. Yes the safety is back but turned the other way thinking Ridley is going that way. By the time Ridley is that open the read is already made and pressure is there. You can harp on the throw and that's about it.


Honestly on the Yankee/Burks INT they're both open and the throw is way too short. The deep safety's back is turned, and his hips are out of phase with the direction Burks is going. It doesn't mean Ridley isn't open, but Burks has as much of a step and if the throw is in stride, it's an easy completion. Cally didn't take issue with it in his press conference either...he was okay with the decision.


Bill needs to work that magic on NPF as soon as possible so Levis has time to operate as a talented passer. He’ll be okay


He had 2 guys on him on that endzone throw that you say he should pass to Ridley. His get are not in position to be able to throw it there based on the pressure. Everything else you went over I agree with.


The first play where he had the 2 yard run he was seeing ghost but you can see 57 broke on the throwing lane when Levis set his feet for the throw. Maybe he can fit that in but it would be an incredible throw dude lol
