The 'GRANDE' Problem With Ariana | An Analysis

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It's honestly a bit confusing how Oli London spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to look Korean, and still looks anything but Korean, when people like Ariana can switch it up like it's the Sims 4 😭


I remember being 12 and laying at the beach for HOURS with friends trying to get tan all summer, and then going to thailand and people telling me they wish they had my pale ass skin and that it was so pretty. Really made me realize how ridiculous beauty standards are. Let's normalize existing without perfection.


about the mixed babies: it's incredibly disturbing how some people will fetishize biraciality to the point of moving across the world / cherry picking a partner just to get that biracial baby.


“americans loving to take things that aren’t theirs; like america-“ Is going to be my senior quote


I’m half Korean and I remember being ridiculed as a child because I looked more Asian in elementary school. It does suck when others get to benefit off of the same things I was teased for. I have accepted that celebrities are out of touch with the human condition and I have no expectations of them. They are professionals in whatever entertainment they are in. Not our friends. We need to understand those boundaries so we can hold people accountable.


One of the things that I did learn in art college was constructive criticism. Not only has this helped me navigate discussing difficult topics, but also how to discern toxic people from those that are trying to help. When I have feelings of defensiveness, I can pause and ask if they are doing this to help me grow, or if they mean it to hurt and diminish. HUGE difference in the two, but so often criticism is seen as a "bad" thing.


Exactly! Ariana can take off her makeup, but Asian people look Asian ALL the time. She doesn't have to live with the hatred (especially since covid) day in & day out. She can just play dress-up.🤨


Ariana trying to look Asian makes me so uncomfortable as an actual Asian person. It’s like she’s just using different races and ethnicities as costumes. People dismissed a lot of this criticism when she was tanning like crazy too.


I think it’s easier for people to hate Kim K because of the whole “she has no talent” thing, whereas Ariana is a talented vocalist. Not justifiable, but I think that could be why.


What's odd about Ari changing her skin tone is that when she does change her skin, she also changes her hair/makeup/outfit/accent to go with it as well. I think it goes beyond "she went out in the sun and got a tan or she hasn't been in the sun so she's pale" it's almost like she's wearing a costume or playing a character.


"Can we normalize not putting much effort into how we look" LOL YESSSS. I use to get dressed up for work but then my feelings changed and I didnt feel like doing it anymore. I shower, brush my teeth and hair and slap on some clothes and come to work. I'm comfortable, I feel agile, I dont care how I look and it feels GREAT.


It kills me when she was dating Big Sean she was in videos saying “y’all!!!” And putting on a “sassy” accent and now she’s with Dalton she talks like a 50s housewife. I think it’s super bizarre… and as she gets older and feels she doesn’t fit the standard anymore, I’m worried what will come next lol. She doesn’t just tan, she changes her personality and clothes. It’s really unsettling!


As someone whose WHITE ASS parents pressured me into climbing into a tanning bed 3om a day on the weekends because "you'll be so much prettier with a tan" bless you for calling out tanning and bleaching as being equally problematic. This is a huge problem in the south of all places. I'm constantly told how weird it is that I have no problem being pale (the color I naturally am!) And see no need to change it. White ladies telling me how odd I am for not wanting to spray myself 10 shades darker, but then turn around and have the gall to be openly racist. Mind blowing.


i find it kinda sad how when fandoms find out their "queen/king" does something wrong they defend that person to their grave but when its the fandom they're not in they send death threats and wont hear another point of view lol


finally people are catching up with what’s happening with Ariana. She’s been doing this for a long time and needs to be called out just like every other celebrity/influencer that does the same.


As a life long fangirl, one thing that has always bothered me about ANY fandom I’ve been a part of is the lack of nuance. I can Stan someone/something and also criticize it. In fact, I cannot in good faith stan something with out criticizing it. It’s so important for us to recognize both


As an Asian person myself. These celebrities keep changing their race to fit the trend. Now that having "kawaii" or "k-pop" style is trending. People out here changing races just to fit it and I'm very tired of it. I'm glad you talked about this because Arianators scare me so much, especially when you bring this topic.


I’m a British girl of Indian descent, I’m olive skinned but get a decent tan in the summer. South Asian people praise my lighter skin and white people praise my tan. I recently had an Indian man in the gym come up to me to ask my ethnicity - he thought I was Spanish or Arab and said i was ‘interesting’. I hate how skin colour is fetishised and I don’t go out of my way to look a different race, in fact growing up I wished I was more tan so I looked more like my cousins. I think that all natural skin tones are beautiful and should be embraced. We live in a cookie cutter world where we are saturated with images of women who all look the same and are so overly processed. Our differences are what make us beautiful x


“I’m straight up Mexican, i got the animal blanket and everything”
Me: **glances at tiger blanket on wall in Mexican**


As someone who is mixed raced and quite ambiguous because of how light my skin is, I have witnessed how my family who is darker skinned than me be victims of racism by society. Their features are celebrated on me but not on them.
