From A Child’s Eye: Real Families in Hospital Crisis

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In episode 11 Amelia needs urgent brain surgery and a 4-year-old needs bandages after banging her head. Children's Hospital brings you behind the scenes at one of the UK's largest children hospitals, Royal Manchester.

Real Families brings you stories of modern day family life from around the world through the eyes of children, parents, and parenting experts.
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Produced by Maverick Television.
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Amelia and her mums bond is so lovely to see, first thing she said when she woke up was "mummy" 😍


AW, Amelia when she woke up...what a sweetie! SO cute x


Amelia's middle name is pringle.. 17:17 her mom had pringles...

This makes me laugh


I have the opposite to arthritis, I have a hyper-mobility disorder. My joints bend past where they're supposed to stop, so every time I do anything naturally, without constricting my own movement, the joints damage themselves. They sometimes get really painful and something hurts practically daily, but they can't really do anything about it :I


I was diagnosed with arthritis around his age too. it's not fun :/ couldn't play for too long because the pain would get unbearable.


Wow I wish they had that treatment in US for the autoimmune disorder. We have nothing like that. My lupus has eaten into my knees doing the same thing as his juvenile arthritis.


why is my middle name not Pringle love it


They need to make a hospital like this in California


I've had anaesthetic and that yellow die in my eyes before. It's horrible! It stains everything your eyes touch: my bedding was never the same again


I also suffer from JIA. I've overall had 4 steriod injections in my right knee, 2 in my left and 2 in my left ankle. I take 6 methotrexate tablets on a Friday. I was diagnosed when I was 10 and I'm now 14 almost 15.
To start with they didn't know what to diagnose it as. They thought it was growing pains.
When my knee started to swell really big they finally diagnosed me with JIA. At first I was confused and didn't know much about it. They started me on 6 tablets of methotrexate and slowly upped the dose to 8 and then when they didn't work I was put on the injection form. That was the absolute worst. They hurt and stung like crazy :(
After 2 years of medication they decided to try and stop my medication to see how I was doing in August 2016. They said if it doesn't flare up for 6-12 weeks after then your highly likely to have out grown it.
So it got to December 2016 and I was doing great, a few aches and pains but nothing major. Until near Christmas when my left knee started to become really stiff and sore. It then swelled and I could really bend it.
We had a hospital appoint the next week and so when we went she said the bloods had show some raised inflammation levels, she examined my joints and said that it was back and I'd need another steroid injection and they'd drain the fluid.I had my knee drained in January they drained 22ml of fluid and things got better.
A couple weeks after my right knee started to ache, I had an appointment last week and my inflammation levels are at 87 when they should be around 10-12. I am waiting to have it drained and injected again. In the meantime i take steroids to help it.
I'm so happy they included this in here as I feel people are just not aware of JIA and don't even know children get arthritis :(


no matter what age your child is, you always worry about even the tiniest little problem with them....Xx <3 Xx


My went to a children hospital in Manchester beside Ronald McDonald I don't know if it is the same one be they helped her a lot she was in there for almost the driest year of her life cause she has short bowel syndrome and she was on TPN and sh had lots of surgery before she was even one I am so happy they helped her cause they said she was not gonna live till she was 1 but thy saved her life :)


I had a deep cut right next to my eye in January if it was half a cm closer I would have gone blind and cut my eye really deep I had to have glue and strips on my head for 3 weeks I was so close to having stitches and I am so glad I didn't


the cuts not to deep!! it was enormous


ive got Arthritis in all ny joints
its not fun at all


The cut wasn't that big it was actually small


They said that the cut on Amy's head wasn't big . It was huge


Why do they call the Dr's mister or professor?


Amy's voice was pretty cute... Lol
And my eyes went bloodshot right after a competition.


One of my best friends got arthritis when she was 7
