𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝘽𝙪𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜? - CR10 Smart PRO

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0:00 - To Begin
0:16 - Is it going to Work?
0:40 - Some possible Roadblocks
1:25 - Does it Level Up?
1:50 - Safety Tips
2:08 - What is the Sprite?
3:18 - Let there be Light!
3:36 - What about the Case?
4:00 - Build Plate Innovations
4:17 - How about that Verdict
4:56 - Shady Dealings????

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#CR10SmartPRO #cr-10smartpro #smartproreview
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Nice work .. Good to see a 'warts & all' review from a 'purchaser' without the bias of a freebie. I've been studying these things for a while prior to taking the plunge. Thank you ... 🇬🇧


This was an amazing thank you. Subbed!


fantastic video, thank you. Kind of learning on my friend's printer and agonizing if I want to buy a creality or bambulab. I really would like to not have to upgrade parts, swap things out, etc. I understand having to fix stuff after time, which is totally fine.


I just received my CR-10 Smart Pro and love it so far.
Was able to buy it for $629. from Amazon seller.


Wow. Who are you goddess? I clicked on your video randomly and was blown away by the depth and quality of content. Kind of shocked that you're not one of the top reviewers as far as numbers are concerned. That's an injustice for sure, but stick with it. Cream always rises to the top.


Out of the box the CR-10 Smart Pro, or at least mine, has been impossible to level. The z axis was uneven, the bed rollers are loose and the auto level function has now totally failed after a week of trying to get it level. If you want something out of the box with zero hassle you might get lucky with the CR-10 Smart Pro. I have not been lucky and in hind sight would have purchased something more renowned for their quality and spent more money. I'm yet to get a level print.

Also this is a very good channel. I would love to see a video on the bed roller adjustment as there must be a sequence. Thank you for your content!


Thanks for the video review, not sure if you still use the printer if you have any further thoughts of reliability a year on?


Im mainly concerned abou clogging and hen eventually having to replace the whole extruder. Do you find that this printer has extruder that is easy to source?


A common complaint with this printer, and one that I personally experienced, is that the auto-leveling doesn't appear to actually do much of anything. Some have even said it immediately forgets the mesh prior to printing. When doing a test calibration print, some parts of the print will show the nozzle too close while others will show the nozzle too far. This is after manually leveling the bed with feeler gauges with a fully heated build plate. Isn't the point of the auto-leveling to compensate for minor variations such as these? Is there any actual way to see if the auto-leveling is, in fact, actually doing something?


Thank you for the video, leveling was a bit tricky but got it worked out. I am having a tough time figuring out the retraction settings, any tips on that please?
Also it appears I managed to get successful prints with the creality slicer, I tried cura and prusaslicer but never got the first layers to print correctly.
Thank you.


Hi Yasmeen! Great video! I just received my CR-10 Smart Pro, and have two questions: 1) Is it normal for the bottom edge of the extruder fan to be about 1/2 mm above the part? Any small warping up would mean that the fan crashes on the part. 2) Is there a trick to get Wi-Fi connected? I'm a tech-savvy engineer and anything IT-like is generally no problem to solve. This one has me mildly frustrated. Thank you again for this great video!


What do you do if you accidentally eject the micro SD card from the onboard smart box that is part of the CR-10 smart pro?


hello Yasmeen and grats for the nice review. Am thinking to buy this printer as a second one after the s1 pro i already own. I have 2 questions. First you cant connect our raspi to usb-c port? this is how i connected to my s1 pro. And second, do i have to work only via the creality cloud crap even with a raspi on it? Thanks


Is it useful without those upgrades that you replaced right out of the box or is it necessary to do all of those upgrades just to use this printer?


Okay, so I paid the couple of dollars to get your survival package for this printer, but EVERYTHING appears to be corrupted upon trying to open it. So I need another download or a refund.


Hi, great review.
Quick question, my v rollers become loose over different parts of the extrusion, no matter how much i tigheten them. Sometimes i get all of them tight but when ever i start printing and the bed moves all the way towards the screen and back they become loose again. I think thats the reason i cant keep the bed Level. Any ideas on how to fix it? Creality support has been useless.
Thank you


Tbh, I'm a bit confused about Creality's user agreement thing at the end of the video. What content are we talking about here? Something that you post using their "mall" platform or their cloud platform or something else? Because when you say "as a youtuber" are you implying that it would give them rights to your youtube content? Because I can't imagine there being any legal ground for enforcing something like this, at least not in Canada or the US. Now, if you upload something to their servers then that could be a different story. Which begs the question, are they in any way implying that they own the 3D models that you'd uploaded to the cloud for the sole purpose of sending them to your printer?


Should be 100 bucks less in my opinion for what you get. I feel the same for the ender 3 s1 pro but still going to buy one soon.


Should i get the CR10 Smart or CR10 Smart pro? in Canada the smart pro is double the price of the regular one


Can you recommend a comparable machine with the same price point?
