Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun' & Celebration (Blanket Flower)//BOLD, 🌟Colorful NATIVE Perennial Varieties

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Join David in our nursery on a chilly morning in early summer, and discover how these brightly colored NATIVE beauties can warm up the scene and bring lots of color to areas around your home.
Blanket Flowers are remarkably drought tolerant (once established), they are terrific perennials for fast draining, sunny sites☀️and these two very free flowering selections pack a lot of fiery, eye-catching COLOR in beds and borders, rock gardens or as compact mounds along the edges of paths and driveways.

👍Easy to Grow & Look After
📅 Long Blooming / Multi-Season Interest
Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Attracts Butterflies and 🐝 Pollinators
🌵Drought Tolerant (once established)
😊 Easy and Reliable
👏 Great in containers and as border plants
🦌 Deer usually leave them alone

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Gaillardia aristata 'Arizona Sun'
Gaillardia x grandiflora Realflor® 'Celebration' PP#26,969
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This Gaillardia Arizona 🌞 is a show stopper for my front door entrance! It's just amazing


Beautiful 😍 I just bought some here in UK but mine is a mix called, Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Fanfare Serenade' it looks like instead petals there are individual flowers like honeysuckle all around the centre . Never seen something like this and for really cheap considering its end of season . ❤


I appreciate your videos. Very nice, thank you!


Gailardia are used be be the native annual plants, Breeders were able to modify it into pre-annual. I still prefer native Gailardia Puchella (state flower of Oklahoma) it attracts not only honey bees, also a lot of local insects such as bumble bees.


What is the maximum height they can get?
