YOLOv3 in the CLOUD : Install and Train Custom Object Detector (FREE GPU)

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Learn how get YOLOv3 object detection running in the cloud with Google Colab. Walk-through the steps to run yolov3 with darknet detections in the cloud and how to train your very own custom object detector. ALL WITH FREE GPU! This tutorial covers it all!

#yolov3 #objectdetection #cloud

This video cover:
1. Setting up Google Colab as a cloud VM with Free GPU.
2. Commands to get Darknet with YOLOv3 weights installed and running.
3. YOLOv3 pretrained coco model detections in the Cloud.
4. Configuration for Custom YOLOv3 Training in the Cloud.
5. Training Custom YOLOv3 Object Detector in the Cloud.


If you enjoyed the video, toss it a like! 👍

Thanks so much for watching!
- The AI Guy
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Let me know what classes you are making your custom detector detect! Also comment if you have any issues!


Your in depth explanation solved so many problems! Thanks AI Guy! I wish this video had more views!


you're a fucking legend. I spent a week compiling darknet on my laptop, built my own labelmaker with python and when i got to train my model on cpu it estimated 1600 hours. nearly had a mental breakdown. my first reflex was to look into AWS EC2. spent a day with that headache. then youtube suggests your video and god man you have saved my life. subbed and forever your follower. thank you a thousand


10:57 was so creative that you earned my subscription


Hey, great tutorial dude! I spent hours figuring all of this out and got it running back in Nov 2019, this video is a lifesaver for anyone who's new to YOLO! Appreciate the efforts man, cheers!


I followed all your tutorial on YOLOv3 and within 2 days i was able to setup YOLOv3, detect object with pre-trained model, create datasets, train them and i was able to detect custom object. Thank you for you tutorials.


For all those encountering the following error in STEP 3 line 44
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "generate_train.py", line 4, in <module>
os.chdir(os.path.join("data", "obj"))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/obj'

go to the generate_train.py and change the line4 from os.chdir(os.path.join("data", "obj")) to os.chdir("data")
and + filename) to image_files.append("data/" + filename)
It seems the images are saved in a data folder directly instead of data/obj even when you follow the steps correctly


Wow! I have my fingers crossed, but so far this is much easier than running YOLOv3 with Darknet and OpenCV on Windows 10 for me :-) Thank you for the great tutorials!


Done everything from scratch with the help of you, really informative and god tier tutorial :D. Thanks!


You are the legend. I used to hate colab because of disconnection with internet. Thanks for your hack and all other tutorial. Liked and Subscribed !


Thank you so much for this beautiful written Google Colab notebook. It is very helpful. This channel should get a lot of subscribers. Keep it up :)


This is awesome, thanks a lot! Couldn't get darknet to work on my own PC (cuda and opencv troubles) for 2 days, and this solved my suffering. Took a bit of puzzling to get it to work for Yolov4, but totally worth it.


Thank you for your hard work to frame format the content beautifully and to make it work :)


Hi Mr AI Guy. Just wanted to say a million thanks for your help working through issues I had and for creating such a great tutorial. I have my object detection via jpeg and now I can move on to getting object detection working on a live webcam. Like and subscribed. Thanks again.


Bro make video on predicting yolov3 on video and exporting the video in windows


I am making my custom detector on particular traffic sign classes such as stop sign, right-hand side curve etc. As of now to check that how does it work out for only 4 classes, if it works well i will try to train it for more signs around 40 no of classes😅 I hope that won't be an issue in case of that much classes. This tutorial helped a lot. Thanks.🙌


Thank you so much! you saved my life! hehhehehe


Hey man, love this tutorial on the cloud. I struggled so much getting it work on the local GPU, so glad to see a much better way!


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "generate_train.py", line 4, in <module>
os.chdir(os.path.join("data", "obj"))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/obj'

I have also done %cd content darknet as just %cd darknet gives no directory named darknet. I have obj.names and obj.data in my data folder.

I have tried everything. Can someone help me out? Do I need to change something in the code?


Thanks a lot for the video, I was having a lot of trouble installing DarkNet and cuda in my computer and all that stuff, so this was really usefull. Great video, dude, keep it up!
