Can You Remove a Broken Key from a Lock Using a Glue Stick?

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In our Article: How to Remove a Broken Key from a Lock on our website at:

We cover several ways of removing broken keys form locks using tools and objects that should be already available within your home.

But the latest "life hack" making it's way around the internet is to remove a broken key using a glue stick from a glue gun.

I was intrigued. Is this really possible? There have been other crazy suggestions in the past, like using super clue, that are at best useless, and at worst, will destroy your lock.

But pulling out the key with a glue stick tip that has been melted seemed to hold promise. There was no risk of permanent damage since the glue dries basically into a piece of easily removable plastic.

It also dries fairly quickly so you wound't be waiting for scores of minutes to try to get the broken key out of the lock.

Did it work? Did I get the broken key out the lock? Check it out.

This hack is specifically to remove keys broken in door locks. While it could be used to remove keys from other locks, including a broken key stuck in ignition, it will only work when the broken key is at the edge of the keyhole and not is not a broken piece deep within the lock.
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OMG, thank you. After watching another video and spending nearly an hour and a half trying to remove the broken key from my front door I almost gave up. But I decided to try your video. And you gave me the keys to the kingdom, so to speak! The other guy never told me that the lock had to be aligned vertically to release the pins and allow the key to slide out! After doing that I was able to pry the key out in less than 2 minutes. 🤦‍♀️ Thank you so much for that valuable piece of information. I'm going back to the first video to tell that other guy that he skipped step 1!


I've actually done it. You habe to melt quite of bit it & push hard to get a firm grip on the key. And then slowly pull. It took 4 tries but got her in.


1. Use WD40 or sewing oil on the key in the lock
2. Use a screw driver to turn the lock until it is vertically aligned to dislodge the broken key.
3. Sharpen the glue stick so that it will only affix on the broken key.
4. Position the melted glue stick on the broken key and wait until it solidifies on the broken key.
5. Slowly remove the glue stick.


After aligning the broken key in the vertical position, I just used a pic and small pliers from my RC(remote control) tool kit, pried the broken key out maybe 2mm, grabbed it nice and tight with the pliers, and pulled it out.


I spent so long looking at how to get the key out if the lock with all sorts of hacks! It's only when you mentioned the special alignment pins that I went and turned the key with my tweezer and TADA it slid right out!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MENTIONING


Woww. This information about the lock that should be in a vertical position helps me. I thought I can never get out of my house. Thank you and God bless.


Ok, let's be completely honest here. If I am LUCKY enough to break my key - I am calling you guys! You come to the house, you have reasonable prices, the last time I got to talk to one of your guys when I needed help at home (quite a while back) the guy was polite, told me everything he was doing & why ( very interesting) and fixed my door. Right now, we don't get to see very many other folks to talk to. I could be tempted to break a key in a lock ON PURPOSE.


Thanks. Worked great. Trick for me was not to pull glue back too hard... natural instinct is too try to tug key out by force, but glue loses connection with key with that sudden force. key comes out if you slowly jiggle loose with very light force from glue stick until key budges loose first. Good luck, folks.


Someone has put rubber cement into the key slots of my truck and house doors. Can I melt it out with heat from a propane torch?


Gluestick is the best hack to remove the broken key. ✅🇲🇴🇵🇭


Thank you so much… It worked perfectly 👍


Well that’s ok but how do you turn the lock so the key can come out?


Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Pulled the key out in my first attempt :)


Now I need a glue gun stick. It’s 5am and everything is closed. Gonna see if this works, it’s pretty deep in the lock


Thank you so much for this video, my key is stuck in my car lock but with this hack I think I’ll be able to get it out!


How can you orient it vertically if you can't move it with the broken key stuck inside?🤔


My key which, according to it's shape I found is called a primary key broke in the lock. The whole end bit broke off and the door is locked. Would this method work to get it out?


Worked on 2nd attempt, soon as I turned the key the right way round.


Great video! Thanks for testing this hack honestly!


What happens if it was broken all the way in
