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this is the BIGGEST question that i get from parents with kids who are interested in the furry fandom. the answer is a little disappointing because the price tag is so high for essentially a custom made carpet that fits your exact dimensions. but there are also some fun things your children can do while they wait to become adults and stop growing.

ALSO SAFETY-WISE... THEY'RE GONNA OVERHEAT! heat-stroke is real and fursuiters do suffer from that. it's just not a good idea all-around.

or, you know, go become a cosplayer! cosplays are way quicker to make and cost way less on average. i was a cosplayer for 16 years before i got a fursuit and it was plenty of fun!
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that dino mask i screenshooted from google images is apparently a scam one, don't get that one :P


I’m a younger furry and I would love to commission someone someday for a mini partial, but it’s still so expensive 0-0… I made a fursuit head and paws for halloween and it was pretty fun! I couldn’t sew anything so I hot glued fabric to my foam base, but it turned out ok for my first time. For any parents reading my comment, just getting some half inch foam, various fabrics, and a hot glue gun to make a head is a good start :) it’s not extremely expensive and your kid can get crafty


As a parent fur, dino masks are also great alternatives! I have a 12 year old daughter who's also a furry and she uses a dino mask, their really cheap and you can adjust them if they get too tight, too loose, etc. I've let her wear my suit a couple times and she's decided she wants a suit too but since she's still growing, I just handed her a dino mask from Target and she's been obsessed with it ever since.


When I was 13 and in middle school there was a girl I knew that got a FULL digi suit. She wore it for Halloween, and while that was super cool I realize now that she must've grown out of that QUICK. I feel bad tbh.

I'm very lucky to have stopped growing at 15 (I'm short forever rip), and I'm lucky to have a job where I'll save enough money so I can commission a suit in the spring! By that time I'll be almost an adult (17), so I think that'll be fine for at least me ^^ but still, everything you said stands! Patience is key, kids!


hey! I'm a 17-year-old, and I've been in the fandom since I was 12, and I just wanted to quickly talk about my experience as a younger fur. my dad was incredibly supportive on top of taking me to conventions and encouraging my creativity he also bought me a fursuit at 14! after seeing how much I saw begging for a suit and after I did enough chores to at least cover half, he let me go on fur buy, and I picked out a pre-owned suit for 300$. this was a birthday gift and I love them to this day. (and yes I did do a big refurb on them a couple months ago lol.) I never out-grew the suit and it actually fits me better now. not saying every parent can or should do this but this was an awesome gift from my dad. and now that I'm older I'm a fursuit maker and plan to go into film and TV production and costumes!


ive seen a child who makes paper fursuits, she has a channel called Dr pepper world. she makes paper fursuit tutorials :D she even grew so fast, im so proud of her :D


I have sealed my offspring within a tomb of fur

Best dad in the world :)


I’m a young fur (who is still growing lol) and right now I’m working on a dinomask and paws, I very much recommend dinomasks if you wanna make a partial! (that will probably last longer as well, and it’s fun making it yourself and less expensive then buying a full suit lol)


started being in the fandom @ 7, won't say current age but still growing and I want to make a partial. Just looking at the prices makes me weep


Thanks for the honest recommendation for parents to stay away from buying a full suit, even if money is not the problem. You are alternatives look really fun! Not just for kids, but just about anyone on a low budget to try some things out and see what feels right.


This makes me think of splatoon where the inklings start more like squids and become more human as they get older but in reverse and I love it


I have been watching a lot of furry content recently. I'm not even a furry, I just find furry culture fascinating.


A dino mask is a good first fursuit for a child. They are decently cheap, and easy to make yourself, and because they are decently easy to make yourself, you can always redo them when your head gets too big


I joined the fandom at the scary age of 11, and I really wanted a fursuit. Luckily my parents didn't let me buy one, instead told me if I really wanted one that I had to make it myself.

I put all of my holiday / birthday money into making silly animal costumes, I have no regrets.


2:26 anyone who is looking for a dinomask, READ THE DESCRIPTION! the one on the screen is a latex one and is extremely floppy and hard to wear. Always check the description. It shouldn't have like 833082 paragraphs saying "ROLEPLAY KIDS DINOSAUR JURRASIC PARK FUN PLAY TOY DINOSAUR LATEX" Most likely they are scams.


If I had a kid I know, genetically, they would be done growing by 15. Nothing younger than that. They would have choose tho. New phone or mini partial. Gotta choose.


I’m a child with a partial suit and I have to remake my paws at least every two years and that is the only reason I don’t have a full fursuit I agree with these ideas completely!


Hey! I love the paper mask super cute, another slightly higher quality idea is like what I did for my niece a few years back, you can find patterns for "3D paper craft masks" Wintercroft being the big seller, for roughly $10 you get a pattern you can print on your own and then use stronger either cardstock or cardboard (old cereal boxes are perfect) and you can actually make a really cool mask that you can paint like their fursona!


I am a young fur and told my parents about the fandom, so they got me some foam+fur and everything else and I am making my own fursuit! Highly recommended as it is way cheaper than commissioning a fursuit (I’m only making a partial - head, hand paws, tail and feet paws)


I'm 13 (almost said birthday was literally yesterday lmao) and as much as I'd love a fursuit, there's a lot of reasons I haven't asked
1. My parents don't know I'm a furry (they're super supportive but I still worry what they'd think/if they even know what a furry is)
2. They're so expensive
3. Where would I even use it?? I'm too socially awkward to go to conventions or even just wear a suit in public

I really want these cool customizable cosplay ears that move but I haven't asked about those either for the same reasons :, ) maybe one day when I'm older and have enough money I'll get a fursuit, I'd love a suit of my fursona :D
