Worst Mistake Beginners Make in Golf

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If you consciously try to hit down on the ball it will destroy your ball striking. You need to learn to release properly.


I was always trying to scoop it for the longest time (thanks to a friend telling me to do that when I was struggling lol). Then I heard someone say to throw your hands at the ground just a couple inches in front of the ball and that fixed basically everything


I completely agree. But something interesting what just discovered by Bryson de chambray I think it was - he was a very back heavy ball striker - pretty much what your explaining to do here - and at the end of his swing he discovered using a bit of wrist, but not through like a flick, but of a connector at the end of the swing to allow the wrist to turn over through the end of the swing - you should search what I’m talking about because it actually makes sense and works


If the Vardon grip is used correctly it will prevent flipping of the club by restricting wrist movement.

Hold the club VERTICAL with elbows bent 90° when gripping. This step is critical because it will cause the bones in the forearm to counter rotate inward against each other ( ) when the arms straighten which stretches the forearm muscles and keeps the trail hand pad pressing forward on the lead hand, the key to controlling toe and face. For the Vardon grip to unify the hands the grip needs to down in the fingers of the pad trail hand with palm wrapped up high and around the lead thumb. Properly overlapping is what all the instruction about where the Vs point addresses but never explains WHY.

The wrist movement which locks up the wrists in the Vardon Grip is MAXED OUT UNLAR DEVIATION. This thumbs-down action is what happens to the wrists when doing things like casting with a fishing rod. If when the club is lower and arms straighten you “waggle” it down all the way without resting it dead on the ground you’ll feel additional stretching in both forearms the entire arm triangle firm up. You should find it very difficult to to ‘flip’ the wrists with them down in maxed out ulnar deviation but very easy to turn them over by rotating the hands ( ).

To prevent that ( ) rotation and turning over of the club you need to have some flexion in the lead wrist ( bowing and extension [ hinging backwards] in the trail wrist. That is what Hogan did and I learned it following what he suggested in Five Lessons.

With the wrists oriented with a bit of flexion in the lead wrist and extension in the trail as his were through impact the only way the wrists and hands move freely is via ulnar- to radial-deviation which is the action needed to release and accelerate the club through impact WITH precise control over toe direction and face angle. That ‘waggle’ action Hogan did with his hands in the pre-shot routine was just a rehearsal of how his hands brought the club head and face down into the ball in his downswing. The key is setting up the Vardon Grip properly something very few recreational golfers do because it ‘doesn’t feel right’


I'm totally convinced that I am guilty of early extension, but i noticed in this videos when it shows at the downswing that there's a motion of like casting a fishing pole: a back then forward motion....almost loose in a way....eh??? Does that help with what it is taught here?


Depends on the shot but yea you’re right. Some shots call for a compressed scoopy shot


I wish my grandpa is still alive, he was really good at golf and I really want to play with him, sadly he passed away back in 2012, i was still very young at the time.


Only time I try to use the “scoop” swing is if I am close to an elevated edge in a sand trap
It tends to get my ball above the earth obstruction and in a better position


Great channel man! I have a question is there a slight flick of the wrist before impact? Or are wrist straight ? 2 years in just working out my issues lol thanks!


And they also lean back while doing so which you can get away with, with driver but that’s it also why they can’t get any zip on the ball to back it up or stop on a dime. This is the first thing I say to my buddies when they are doing this because most were baseball players but I show them what impact position should look like and before long they were taking nice divots and gold spin


Just took up the game with my first private lesson. Went out and bought starter golf clubs and teacher said only hit 7 and 8 iron. Next lesson in two weeks. This is my problem. I know what I need to do but I can’t accomplish it. 90 balls at range yesterday, maybe 5 airborn, rest grounders. I’m getting under the ball and no matter how hard I try to connect at very bottom of downswing I can’t do it. Something is wrong in my swing.


Everyone says that beginners are trying to lift the ball n the air. I think the reason beginners scoop is because they are throwing the head at the ball thinking thats how they can hit it with speed.


Honestly there's times where both are needed


Bro don't say hit down on the ball. Say swing through the ball


First time in Japan, and my japanese co-workers will take me with them on golfing later. First time, i hope it this tips will help me. 😅


To quote the only man to ever be considered for a Nobel Prize in Physiology related to golf, “ you should never hit down on a golf ball”.


Im trying to get a grasp on golf. (College stuff blah blah) I get the feeling this is gonna be apart of my base knowledge from now on


I don’t think anyone noticed, but he just smacked a golf ball in his house


How many of y’all watching this at a topgolf?


You're dragging it, you have to release to have apin.
