Islam vs Christianity debate reaction | @MuslimSkeptic, Ijaz Ahmed, @JayDyer and Sam Shamoun.

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My reaction to the recent Islam vs Christianity religion debate hosted by fresh & fit, featuring Muslim skeptic Daniel Haqiqatjou, Ijaz Ahmed, Sam Shamoun and Jay Dyer. This video addresses the issue with the trinity and Sam's strange argument about Allah's two hands. Please Like, share and subscribe!

Must Watch! The two videos featured in this video :
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If God becoming a man doesn't like a plot from Greek Mythology, I don't know what does 😂😂 !


Muslims : 1+1+1 = 3
Christians : 1+1+1 = 1


Jesus Christ is our God and saviour Amen ❤️🙏


Use a real voice this not easy to listen too


1) What about John 5:18-25 where it says that if you don't glorify Jesus the same way you glorify the Father, you don't glorify the Father who sent him.

2) The text makes it clear at least two times that Jesus makes himself equal to the Father.
3)In John 17:5 Jesus says, And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world was.
John 17:1 Jesus says to the Father: Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you.

3) Okay, you said you won't properly debunk the argument Sam made about the hands of Allah. What about Quran and Surah's chapters interceding? And why is Allah limited in space by having a body anyway?

4)Jesus is like a mirror of the Father and takes form in the spiritual or physical world so that God will enter creation. So the body parts are Jesus' spiritual bodyparts. Remember, we have trinity. Sam explained in the debate, you should have included that clip.

Nice try tho.


(Daniel )brought up his personal life in a religious debate about morality & like wtf that's how you know you're losing a debate when you have to resort to personal attacks he didn't attack his evidence or his point he just went straight for his personal life 😅 and look at the comments on the video you will see👀every one even the atheist

Say Christmas won this debate just take the L and move on bro and on top of that Sam said you’re book confirms that we have the truth at first I didn’t believe him but I looked it up and I found out that he was honest 😮 check this out

Surah 10:94
If you O Prophet are in doubt about 'these stories that We have revealed to you, then ask those who read the ((Scripture before you. ))((The truth has certainly come to you))from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt,

So you are supposed to live your life the way Muhammad live his life so if he had any doubts of about the revelation, that came from God, you’re supposed to ask a Christian or a Jew just like he did.

Muslims are not even supposed to say the Bible is corrupted, even according to the Quran

Surah 3.84 Say. 'O Prophet." "We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants: and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord-we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we 'fully" submit."

(as a Muslim, you’re not supposed to make any distinction between the profits. You’re supposed to accept submit, and believe all the revelation given to these prophets. If you are a true Muslim. If you are going to discount the gospels. then you are discounting the very thing in the Quran commands you as a Muslim, a true Muslim I might add)

And to top that off Daniel said openly in public on the internet that he is ok with child marriage that was wild af


You should make a video about the Christian dilemma. The Christian dilemma goes like this:

Christians claim that Jesus was 100% God and 100% human at the same time. So my question is this. DID JESUS NEED FOOD TO SURVIVE ?

If your answer is "No", then that means Jesus could not have been 100% Human, because all human need food to survive.

If your answer is "Yes", then that means Jesus could not have been 100% God, because God does not need food to survive.

Whatever answer the christians give, they will disprove their religion.

If you make a video about this, I guarantee you, the Christians will not be able to respond to this dilemma.


The Islamic Dilemma:
Quran's Affirmation of Previous Scriptures: The Quran acknowledges the Torah (Jewish scriptures) and the Injil (Gospel of Jesus) as revelations from God. Muslims are taught that these scriptures were originally true and sent by God to guide humanity.

Claim of Corruption: At the same time, many Islamic teachings assert that the current versions of the Bible have been corrupted or altered, which explains the differences between the Quranic narrative and the Biblical narrative. This claim of corruption is often used to reconcile the differences between the Quran and the Bible.

Contradiction Argument: Critics argue that if the Quran affirms the truth of previous scriptures, but these scriptures (as they exist today) contradict the Quran, it creates a theological problem. They claim that either the Quran is wrong in affirming these scriptures, or the assertion that these scriptures have been corrupted is problematic because the Quran does not explicitly state that the texts available to Muhammad were corrupted.

Implications for Prophethood: Some critics extend this argument to challenge the prophethood of Muhammad, arguing that if the Quran incorrectly affirms corrupted scriptures, this could cast doubt on its divine origin.
