CSS Grid Crash Course

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This crash course will teach you all of the fundamentals of CSS Grid

⭐ Sponsor: InMotion Hosting!

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👇 24+ Hour HTML & CSS Course (Just revamped!)
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0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Sponsor
1:28 - Slides
4:29 - HTML & Base CSS
7:28 - Creating a Grid
7:53 - grid-template-columns
9:16 - repeat()
9:32 - Gap Spacing
10:17 - Row Height
10:55 - grid-auto-rows
11:15 - minmax()
11:45 - grid-template-rows
13:19 - Grid Browser Tools
14:03 - Align & Justify
17:08 - Grid Column Span
18:46 - Grid Row Span
20:28 - Responsiveness
23:03 - Grid Template Areas
32:22 - Testimonials Grid Project Intro
33:40 - Testimonials HTML
37:18 - Base & Card Styling
45:40 - Grid Styling
49:52 - Media Query & Span Resets
Рекомендации по теме

I remember taking your crash course on html, 8 months ago and now I’m starting my first front end dev job next week. Thanks for all you do Brad!


been seriously waiting on this, just diving into CSS and I loved how simplified your Flexbox crash course was and was looking to get into Grid next but other videos just weren't doing it for me until I found this, awesome


Thank you Brad. Amazing tutorial as always. I personally do not take your generous sharing of knowledge for granted because I can imagine how much work goes into creating great tutorials like these.


The way you teach and show alternative ways of doing stuff than just one example are the type of tutorials that give people better perspectives. Very well done


This is by far my favorite grid tutorial. Not only did you show the basics and syntax, but we got example of how to incorporate it into a somewhat real scinero. It was a great touch combining the use of grid and flex box to help tie both uses together. Bravo.


Hey Brad, I just wanna thank you so much for your hard work. Your channel is invaluable! You're awesome.💕


Now you are one of my favourite teachers. I really like the project base tutorials especially when you build things from scratch and give us a chance to learn some fundamental things from it.


Grid and Flexbox is such a fun and powerful combo once mastered. The new (first time I'm seeing it) intro animation also looks great with the code editor in the background, good job there!


Brad is the reason why I have not given up on web development.. Thank you so much sir


Thanks Brad for making this video, I have been running away from grid and using only Flexbox, but you just changed my mind, CSS grid is so powerful and easy. THANKS !!!


Hi Brad, I can't thank you enough for these videos which you make. You are doing such a GREAT JOB by sharing your knowledge with us.Thank you much.


Thank you so much for this Brad! I found you last year came back looking for ya. I'm self learning through Codecademy and I'm so glad I came to watch both your flexbox and grid tutorials. They're amazing! You're a great teacher and a great inspiration. You give me so much hope! Will definitely come back to do projects with you and to keep learning from you. Stay blessed!


Brad this is awesome and I loved every moment of it. You make it really seem easy and will certainly put this tutorial into good use. Much appreciation from Kenya!


From somehow who is old-school with the old way of tables & columnspan's, your videos help a lot, & maybe I won't throw all the prior knowledge away. I want to get back into it & this is much simpler. A new learning curve. Glad I ran across you.


Thank you, sir for another excellent tutorial. I am a pensioner who worked in the medical device industry, where we worked with embedded SW systems. Huge difference but fun!


This guy knows how to teach things properly and shows on actual examples what he taught. Thank you for the great video!


Always waiting for your new crash course, most powerful and useful for me❤️


I finished grid system with your modern HTML and CSS course from udemy and also with your crash course on YouTube and all of them really make sense. But I feel that this one is also a must watch crash course 😂.
Any video from Brad for me it is a must watch 😁


every time i feel low and want to quit coding, I watch your videos. you teach concepts easily and most of the time you make me feel that I can learn to code, I just need to keep going. thanks man, thanks a bunch!😊


I first followed your html tutorial a few years ago. I always refer you as being the OG of web dev and I am very grateful for you opening the door for me. Ive learned so much and am learning tons, thanks to you. I took a boot camp and really got a leg up thanks to your teachings. Hope you have a great weekend.
