Introduction to making modular Techno - Basic modules and considerations

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Today we are going to have a look at building a modular synthesizer designed for making Techno. My system is actually designed to be pretty flexible, but over the last few years I have been making modular music, the techno tracks have been the more popular ones, and quite some people asked me how to get started building a techno system. So here it is!

We define some key elements: The kick, percussion, synths, effects and sequencers. For each of those elements we go over some core modules and options to look at. What kick, percussion, synths and effects are the ones for you? We end with a bonus tip.

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Here’s the timetable:
00:00 - Intro
00:47 - The key elements
01:40 - The kick
03:44 - Percussion
07:18 - Synths
11:40 - Effects
14:20 - Sequencers
16:12 - Final tip

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Special thanks to Legendary Patrons:
Michael Rutchik
Wayne Cowan
Steve Williams

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#modulartechno #euroracktechno #technoforbeginners
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Hello everyone, we reached 1K subscribers in a few months! I’m very happy with that, and want to thank everyone for the very kind and positive comments over the last videos :) This will be my last one for 2020, so onward to a new year of Tech Talk and Monotrail tunes! I wish everyone a great musical time, and a happy new year! Hope to see you all soon!

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i know this dude for a few years and.... he never mentioned, that he does this!!!


Really great work! As a beginner, these are easily the most helpful and informative videos I have encountered on modular synths. Thank you!


I was searching for clear info AND inspiration, this is the best info so far ❤


The best video to begin with modular. You are a great teacher!


Been using modular systems for several years and still enjoyed this video.


Thanks for a clear and informative video. I'm slowly creating my own "techo" system, I already have some of the modules you mentioned. I think start small and learn how to use what you have is the best advice.


Thanks again for the inspiring video! I've started a while ago buying too much gear. After I've seen your first video's, approx. 2 months ago, I put a basis set of modules in a 3x84 case and for the first time I really dived into the possibilities of those modules. Gradually I'm involving my other gear, and finally I get a grip of things. Thanks to the reset after seen your video's. So many, many thanks!


2021 will be the year I get into modular systems, watching this video was invaluable and perfect for what I’m after! 🙏🏽👍🏽🇬🇧


Your presentation is one of the best on the 'Tube, effective in conveying useful information in a direct and clear way.
I especially like the workflow diagrams. I often hit Pause to take notes and copy some of these into a notebook for reference when building patches.


Presentations and explanations are great. No bsing. Really useful.


Thanks a lot for the info! I wanted to start using modules but I didn't exactly know where to begin. Subscribed!


Im starting modular and Im glad I found your channel :)


Agreed. Jomox’s ModBase 09 has nearly 100 kick sounds, plus variations. I have trouble minimizing decay on many of the kick models, so if you use fast tempos, be sure and go through all the sounds for decay control. The Erica just getting into. Love their VCO2 oscillator.


ace. these videos are super useful 👍 got another patreon supporter for sure


Great video as always! Learning so much and getting so much inspiration from you. Really makes me sit down and tinker with my new and growing modular system :)


Man your content is top notch. Thanks for that great overview.


Just want to say thank you so much! I have wanted to get into hardware (modular in particular) forever now. I have been working in a DAW for 10+ years and have finally started putting together a modular rig. I got a semi modular synth (DFAM) and some 909 clone modules + the erica drum sequencer and have been having a blast but I am missing a ton of other stuff (no effects, no other synth voices/ filters etc) and this video helped ease my stress its been causing me looking at all this stuff haha. Still need to find a way to do a rumble kick and get the right effects for that...


I use Winter Eloquencer sequencer such great 8 channel sequencer for techno and can create presets, song chain mode so awesome! For percussion- Jomox Modbase 90 MK2 kick drum, clap, snare, hi hat modules fed into Hexinverter Mutant Hot Glue mixer that has compression and distortion and also some delay to kick drum. Use Doepfer VCO for bass and Plaits for chord voice. So far pretty good mobile modular techno rig. Jomox makes best kick drum easily. For modulation, love the Batumi quad LFO and Instruo Divkid 0chd plenty options. I use Doepfer filter/vco so great for bass tones.


One of the best explanation on YouTube. Thumbs Up and Take an Abo.

