Austin Metro: It's Time to Say Goodbye

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Three years ago, a tremendously kind subscriber gifted me Melody - a 1987 Austin Metro 1.3L that was feeling a little sorry for itself. Teaching me virtually everything I know about working on cars, I've helped rebuild her gearbox, overhauled the brakes and front hubs, and had the suspension totally rebuilt. But now, it's time for Melody to move on.

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Morning folks, hope you're all enjoying the video, and it seems many of you are. Just here to correct something I said at the end about videos not being forthcoming over the next number of weeks. That's actually not true, as I was planning for this one to go live at the end of the year, but I've had to pull it forward as I had a bit of a filming disaster mid-week. This time next week, we'll be looking at a lovely Saab 99!


Car channels don’t need to be all Ferarris and Lambos to be interesting. Ed has entertained and informed us all with his knowledge and style. I think he could make a video about my toaster and make it interesting!

Can’t wait for what’s next!


You have done so well for yourself, and educated your fans to such an extent, that you would be seriously missed if your videos were to cease. We really look forward to seeing you here again shortly. Well done!


Another cracking video. Real understanding of Minis and Metros shown here. Great approach to owning older cars and some helpful points made.


This car has probably single handedly rehabilitated Metros in my head. It looks so good. Definitely feels like a lovely classic now.


I’d rather keep the metro to be honest. Minis are everywhere. When was the last time anyone saw a metro on the road? Much more individual, much rarer.


Literally never thought of the human-flaws analogy - now I will never forget it.


With this video you already have taken your channel to the next level, IMHO. Thanks for all you do!


Owner of an XJ Jaguar and 2 SAAB's, all in their thirties, I more and more love small cars.


I will miss Melody on the channel for sure but from when you got her she brought back many fond memories of when I had my 1.3L red Metro who was called Mavis. I had her for the best part of a decade and was brilliant. Changing job requiring many more miles and being my only car she was sold. I still miss that car though. So thankyou Ed for bringing those memories back. You did plenty of work on Melody and I'm sure learned a great deal. Engine, trim, suspension the works the series has been fascinating. Some changes I may not have made but we all have our preferences and we all respect them as we are all different. At the end of the day Melody has a new life to look forward to and is in better mechanical shape to do so. Many thanks for sharing and farewell Melody and all the best for the future.


Nice to pass the car on to a young enthusiast!
And now: Go for the Mini!!
My first three cars were Mini’s, that was somewhere from 1990 to 1997. These were great fun. Hope you find a nice one.
And keep up the good work, Ed!


My first two cars were Minis. My next three were all Metros. Nostalgic wise the Minis are in my heart. The Metros were more functional but I still have a soft spot for it, your video took me back


Ed, one of the things I've enjoyed seeing the most on your channel, is seeing you become a more competent and confident mechanic. It reminds me of myself learning to service my own cars as a young man. The experience helps one bond with their car.


A sad day but a endorsement of your wonderful enthusiasm, acquired skills, and your unique enjoyment of classics and driving. I have followed you, I think, form the beginning and enjoyed your vids which have informed amused and giving an old fart the sort of love of cars I once enjoyed. Of course, it's not an end but the continuation of your weekly treats via work on the your white Metro and reviews. Good Bye Melody and hello to continued pleasure. Rob😉😉


You really brought Melody a long way given her condition when you got it. You've done a lot of mechanical work on it, and she's looking really nice now with those rims and stripes. Good that she's gone to a good home.


So glad Melody is going to a good home. It's been fun watching all the work you have carried out - it will be great to see you with a Mini, too!


Amazing how many cars have so many " Journeys" and some cars have such a short life.
That little Red Metro is a very lucky


You have done some really good videos on this little nugget. I always laughed at the beige one my grandad had in the late 80s when I was a kid in Cowley, but now I just see them and it gives me a warm feeling remembering my grandad. So to all keeping these on the road thank you and well done.


I bought a red 91 Rover Metro GTa from Balmforths in Ormskirk, and it was a fab little car, so I have a soft spot for them.


What a great little car Melody is. Mechanically improved and off to a very good new home!
