Question Time: Education Monday 19 April 2021

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Each of the questions answered have been chaptered in the video to help you find them more easily.
Chapters / Questions
00:00 - Free School Meals: Eligibility
1. Mr Allen asked the Minister of Education to outline the number of children eligible to receive free school meals in each of the last five years. (AQO 1892/17-22)
08:26 - St Mary's High School, Brollagh: Closure
2. Ms Dolan asked the Minister of Education how he took into account the needs of the rural community of Brollagh in relation to his decision to identify St Mary's High School for closure. (AQO 1893/17-22)
17:03 - Cotton Primary School, Bangor: Vacant Site
3. Mr Easton asked the Minister of Education to outline his plans for the future of the old Cotton Primary School site. (AQO 1894/17-22)
23:22 - Irish-medium Education
4. Ms Ní Chuilín asked the Minister of Education to outline the steps he has taken to develop Irish-medium education. (AQO 1895/17-22)
Topical Questions
30:39 - Sure Start: Resumption of Activities
T1. Ms Sugden asked the Minister of Education for details on the Sure Start schemes that can resume activities following the easing of restrictions. (AQT 1201/17-22)
33:46 - AS/A-level Grades
T2. Ms McLaughlin asked the Minister of Education whether AS grades awarded in the 2020-2021 academic year will count towards next year’s A-level grades. (AQT 1202/17-22)
36:48 - Independent Review of Integrated Education: Recommendations
T3. Mr Catney asked the Minister of Education, after apologising for not being in his place during tropical [sic] questions to the First Minister and deputy First Minister — he was listed to ask question 8 but was caught out because, although he felt like Linford Christie running around the Building, the business in the House seemed to move faster than he did — to provide a justification for why 11 of the 39 recommendations from the independent review of integrated education will not be taken forward. (AQT 1203/17-22)
40:04 - School Curriculum
T4. Ms Brogan asked the Minister of Education whether he plans to follow up on the Commissioner for Children and Young People’s recommendation that relationships and sexuality education (RSE) become a mandatory part of the school curriculum. (AQT 1204/17-22)
43:28 - Engage Programme
T6. Mr Easton asked the Minister of Education to confirm that the very successful Engage programme will continue for the rest of the term. (AQT 1206/17-22)