Free Webinar For Administrative Assistants - Actualizing Your Professional Goals

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Have you ever been really passionate about a goal? Perhaps you started off with a bang! Maybe you even made a little progress. But then suddenly (or not so suddenly), your passion just…disappeared. Life happened. Your motivation dwindled, you got sidetracked, or some kind of obstacle got in your way. And the goal you were once so passionate about got tucked away with a vague promise to try it again next year.

For most of us, this sounds painfully familiar. We’ve all been there. Here’s the good news: Now is the perfect time to kick your goals into high gear and recommit!

It’s February. Research tells us that about 60% of people who set New Year’s resolutions have already given up on them. Don’t be a part of that statistic.

In this month’s webinar, expert goal setter (and goal-getter) Joan Burge, CEO of Office Dynamics, is revealing her most powerful strategies for turning goals into reality. This isn’t just another training on “goal setting.” This is about finding—and keeping—your motivation for the long haul and sticking it out when the going gets tough. It’s about finally achieving your goals and reaping the rewards in ALL areas of life—career, family, financial, spiritual, and wellness.

Plus! You can follow along and keep growing long after the session with the optional “Reaching Stardom” workbook. Never before offered outside of the Star Achievement Series®, this one-of-a-kind resource has helped thousands of assistants around the world achieve their career and life goals. Learn more below.

Learning Highlights

As an attendee, you will learn…

How fear prevents you from taking the necessary steps to go from dreaming to doing—and how to overcome it.
7 key strategies to stay on track and get back on track when needed. (Hint: These are the exact same tools Joan uses!)
Simple mindset shifts to power up your focus and discipline—no matter what obstacles come your way.
Don’t let another goal slip away!

This webinar is essential for you if you’ve ever wondered how to. . .

• Monitor your progress
• Capitalize on resources
• Reward yourself along your journey
• Commit to the accomplishment of the goal
• Make wise choices
• Recognize opportunities for growth
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