Biodiesel ruins your Diesel engine

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The pump came from an engine that would no longer run due to the use of veg oil.
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Veg oil is not BIO-DIESEL.Bio-diesel is reacted oil that is turned into esters.Dont confuse the two and give Bio-Diesel a bad name.


I don't think this is a case of biodiesel ruining an engine. This looks more like someone skipped at least a decade of maintenance works.


Lots of factors to consider here. What feed stock was used? Canola? Palm oil? Fatty fish and chip shop oil? What process was used? Cooking? Ultrasound? What filtering process was used? Scraping deposits from the top of the barrel? 1 micron filters? How old was the vehicle? Bio diesel is really good at stripping 20years of fossil diesel deposits out of fuel lines and clogging up fuel filters and beyond.

People are quick to blame Bio Diesel without understanding some of its complexities. This is the reason lots of people are unwilling to use it. "My brothers, mate's, dad's boss ran it in his 40yo cruiser and it killed the fuel system, bio diesel is shit" SMH


Been running my diesel engines on my homemade bio for years. My system cracks animal fats too. So long as the bio is properly cracked, filtered and washed then these problems should never arise. Looks to me like whoever told you they were running their engine on bio, were actually running on waste veg oil (WVO) or worse still SVO (strait veg oil) and have misunderstood the distinction between the three terms. Running on WVO and SVO will eventually gunk your parts up. Properly made bio will not but in fact burn cleaner and leave less residue than mineral diesel fuel oil from the forecourt. Been doing it for a long time. all my engines (Berlingo, Sprinter, VW LT and narrowboat) have run like a dream and smell sweet too.


Just for clarification, used veggie oil IS NOT bio diesel. I would think someone who works on diesels would know the difference. A little homework on the subject would make you sound much less ignorant.


Who else knew that Rudolf Diesel first experiments on his engine were made with peanut oil, as it was what he had in stock?


I agree it creates a mess BUT I did 100.000 miles in my 603 and it was still running perfectly when I sold it 2 month ago. 198k miles. It was run on straight used chip oil, NOT filtered very well either. I did have a plate heater and a second filter and I think its the lack of heating the oil that creates the mess we see here. Never cost me a penny in fuel over 12 years so its worth a pump clean if need be.


You mean veg oil or bio-diesel? There is a chemical difference. Just curious, because you did use both terms.


Just happens if it isnt filtered proberly the guys where i buy my oil runs his 300td for over 400k on nothing else then veggie oil


It is not a good filtered biodiesel, the slimy white stuff is Glycerin and when you do you chemical separation and let you biodiesel sit for 2 weeks and the filter it you should not have any issue
What i see is old diesel pump bought from scrap yard so you rebuild and do the mods on them .
As for the water 💧 normal diesel traps humidity also so rust is not from biodiesel.


Without owning the vehicle, knowing the fuel used, methods of refining and conditions the engine was used under. Your video is not proof of correlation to a specific cause, however its worth considered.


Rudolph Diesel invented the diesel engine running on peanut oil, as well as other fuels.
Your blanket statements are false and inaccurate.
Poorly made biodiesel can harm certain components in the engine, but well-made biodiesel blended with diesel fuel can be very beneficial.
Try educating your customers, as opposed to poking fun of them in public.


Don't know why everyone is attacking this guy.
Biodiesel wrecks your engine for sure, stay away from it and the restaurants I collect my oil from.

Oops, maybe said that last bit out loud.


Biodiesel is the same viscosity as petroleum diesel? I have common rail and no problems. Looks more like straight cooking oil used.


The veg oil is simply not biodiesel.. The former is not advisable to directly pour cooking oil into your Nissan Patrol (seen on your other video). Biodiesel is the chemical reactions of transesterification and esterification. The " normal diesel" in the UK is officially up to B7 (a mix of seven per cent biodiesel and 93 per cent standard fuel).


As one of those guys who's used it for decades and thinks it's the best thing ever, it's hard to say what went wrong with this pump or the "fuel" given that it apparently developed a running fault. The only time I've ever seen veg oil gum up like this is when it's been exposed to the atmosphere over months/ years. The same thing happens with E10 petrol. It absorbs moisture, reacts with oxygen in the air and slowly forms a polymer/ varnish with the first stage being this sticky syrup stuff like in this pump. I've never killed a pump in 250k miles on veg oil. I have killed one engine with gummed piston rings (avoidable) in a fairly short mileage but the other engines did over 100k miles on veg oil and are still running fine. I had one EDC merc pump which sat with veg oil in it for 2-3 years and was fine- it was sealed from the atmosphere sitting in the vehicle and fired up first turn with a fresh battery. What has happened to this pump is either the result of poorly refined "fuel" or long periods standing exposed to the atmosphere. If your veg oil is dry and well filtered it won't do this at all and if you follow similar precautions as you would in a petrol engine using E10, you won't have issues after it being laid up either. I flush the system with diesel if I'm going to park up a veg oil vehicle long term and flush petrol fuel systems out with Aspen although as said, if it's hermetically sealed from oxygen/ moisture you'll be OK in terms of veg oil :)


Before you bully me because bad grammar, I want you to know that I used Google translation to write this.
As a car engine mechanic, can you tell the difference between gasoline, biodiesel, vegetable oil or other types of fuel that are suitable for the type of engine? As far as I know, the use of the right fuel according to the type of engine is included as a basic knowledge as a mechanic. Don't give the perception that all biodiesel is bad, while the fuel used is not really biodiesel according to the process that is supposed to make the biodiesel, it is the same as equating that all high-octane gasoline is bad even though the engine that you use should use gasoline with a low octane level. Moreover, the car engine that you are repairing, judging by the conditions, does not use biodiesel made according to procedures or does not even use biodiesel at all


I'm refining waste vegetable oil with  10 - 5 - 1 micron filters.   Never had any problem.  I'm blending oil with 10% gasoline.Car mounted filter holder includes a dewatering device.   Don't forget to drain it regularly


Well the owner claims biodiesel, but he probably thought that biodiesel is just cooking oil and dumped a jug of sunflower oil in his car.


It was never filtered if it would have been filter than this would not have happened
