Choose The Best YouTube Channel Name and Handle With These Tips

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When it comes to naming your YouTube channel and claiming your handle it might seem like something simple but there are actually a lot of things to consider. Especially if you plan to build your brand across social media. In this video I share some things to consider when choosing your YouTube handle and channel name.

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Came here for the content, stayed because of the lighting setup, hand motions, and tone of voice 🔥


I found this very informative. Thanks Nick! This video was surely meant for me. I needed validation as to whether this was normal😀. When I started my channel 3 months ago, I was literally hopping from one channel name to another because I hadn't niched down yet. So I finally settled on using my own name so that when I finally niche down properly, it would still make sense. I also realized that just having my own name as a small youtuber made me not recognizable as a channel so I added OFFICIAL to differentiate me as a channel from just me as a regular subscriber, because I interact more on youtube as a subscriber but I wouldn't mind if I gained subscribers to my channel through that as well. That way I noticed, people click more on my channel especially when they find my name in the comment section. I wish I had come across this video earlier, but I'm glad that after watching it, I realize that I actually did the right thing to use my own name.


Cannel name and handle Great information and topic Thank you for sharing


I don’t know if you mention using shorts to highlight older longer form videos (but I do know you mention it somewhere) but I just wanted to say how helpful this tool is becoming to my YouTube channel! Thanks for highlighting it!


Great video Nick. Did all of this but it's good to watch videos like this for a good checklist on channel names. I subscribed. 👍👍👊


By the way Nick you have a very lovely smile. You look very friendly. Just wanted to put that out there. And you give wonderful advice. I think that’s a reason people like you.


Thanks man. I chose vitalinguist as my channel name. the fact that ppl will say it to each other matters


I checked my channel name and bought my domain name in January. Haven't grabbed it on other platforms, nor set up a site, but.. Getting there... 👍 Thanks for always keeping us informed!


So far I'm able to get only ONE handle,
I have multiple channels, but have only
been benn able to choose a handle
for one channel.
They actually offered the chance to add
a handle on another channel, but when
I clicked for that option it defaulted back
to the one that I'd already chosen a
handle for.


Hi @TubeSpanner — can I ask what camera and lense you are filming with. I am really impressed with how sharp the image quality is.


Hi Nick thankyou for these videos! Hope you are feeling better! God bless♡♡♡


Thank you this is very helpful for us that are just starting


Great video again. I got to share this info. Thanks.


I wanna add emojis to my name, in my name I have them but handle I don’t 😢


Maybe I keep my channel name, easy to remember hopefully I can get my handle soon. Thanks for the tips!


My channel name is DetectorDave. I think it sounds good


Great information as usual. I'll be sure to bring up how to check your name during my show today on my channel.


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.


If I put the name of my channel in the YouTube search bar and it has many famous channels with that name, should I choose that name for my channel or a name that is not popular in the search for YouTube channels?


One day, when I was just talking to my friend casually, she started copy-pasting everything I say but adding the trademark symbol at the end of every sentence. I found it so funny that I told her that whenever I make another account or any of the sort, I'll name it 'Trademark'. Since it's funny (for me) usernames has been my thing since I was a little kid, then I decided to use it as my channel name.

For me, it sounds very simple but kinda funny (I guess?). Although the downside of it is that it's going to be hard to distinguish me from actually trademarking names. You think this joke name was a bad idea after all? :')
