Linear Viscoelasticity - Part 2 - Solve The Equations

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This is part 2 of my series on Linear Viscoelasticity. The focus of this video is on how to calculate the stress response in a numerically efficient way. I will show some interesting "tricks" for how to do this super fast.

0:00 Introduction
2:03 Prony Series
3:04 Integrate by Parts
4:52 Viscous stress term
6:33 Solve the last integral
8:59 Final Solution
9:43 Julia Code
10:39 Summary
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Hi Dr. Jorgen Bergstrom, I have a question about your julia code. In the function calcStress_direct, should we use time[i-1] for stressV2 and stressV3? The influence on the final results is negligible given the fact that time[i-1] almost equals time[i]. However, here current time t should be i-1 and we try to shoot for the next step i at time t+deltat, right? Let me know what you think. Again, great tutorial!
