Climate impacts & the cryosphere: what the latest IPCC report tells us

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The second part of the sixth IPCC assessment report (AR6) has just come out, and it contains some scary details about the scale of the impacts that are already being felt because of climate change.

The bad news is that they're going to get worse unless we do something about it.

The good news is that we still have time to do something.


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Great Ella. I came here after seeing you on "JuiceMedia" the Aussie Lot doing great work through humour. It's going to take all of us, a movement of movements as XR say. Haere pai, Nga mihi


Really well put, Ella. You captured the sobering messages of the report so clearly. Glad to have people like you to work alongside ❤️


A worrying and timely reminder that pandemics and geopolitical instability aren't the biggest threat we're facing right now. Thanks for posting.


Hey Doc, over from Juice. Awesome content, binge watching now. It's validating (and depressing) to hear more and more climate scientists coming out publicly with BS free takes to we the laypeople, makes you feel less crazy. Keep up the good fight!


Wow, impressive, you covered so much in such a short video! Thanks so much for your perspective on this report!


great stuff - hope your voice gets amplified Ella as more people need to hear this sobering reality


What I meant to say is - your all over this doctor Gilbz. Great video. I will share widely. 👍✊


Random positive comment to feed the algorithm.


Hi Ella, found you on JuiceMedia Podcast today, so glad I did. Great communication of the climate science & studies, thanks :)


We keep talking about the horrors at the end of the century. That is far away enough for most people to feel it either won't matter for them personally or to imagine that there's a long time to solve the problem. We need to start talking about how this will effect us in the next five years.


We are getting exactly what we deserve.


Great rundown. Good video. Thanks.

If you have time and inclination it would be really good to get a run down on the details of the Erebus volcano in Antarctica that's been recently active for a while now (several months), I've been looking for concerete info. on it but hard to come by (NASA data ceased in 2009, etc. etc.).


Do semething with the channel "climatetown", that guy is so precise in communicating climate/social events


Nice summary. My summary, we're screwed.


We are already almost at 1.5. We will be there by 2030, no matter what we do, and we will continue to 2.0 by 2050.

They won’t say it because that’s defeatist and unhelpful for social acceptance, but it’s the truth.


There is only one way to reverse climate change. We must correct the dictionary definition of profit and create a Global Economic Model GEM
that fits well with the new 'profit' definition. I recommend the following definition of profit:
"Profit = our gratefulness and loving care for our Environment, and for the sustenance that it provides to all of us".
Clearly this definition does require a completely new Global Economic Model.

The central part of the new GEM should be the EPA. EPA members will vote on the best 'Profit' definition that states sustenance is our only actual 'gain'
without which we can't live, and states that the environment is our only source of sustenance.

As the central hub of the new GEM, EPA members will establish, by vote, all directives related to both, the GEM and climate rescue strategies.
Here are just some rough ideas of what the EPA directives might be:
1.) Population: Initially we need a one child per family directive.
2.) In place of income, jobs would have an 'equivalency rating'. Some jobs are still more important and more difficult than others.
3.) All equivalency ratings will increase at the same time if and when the environment becomes healthier. The lowest EquivRate must still be livable.
4.) Everyone who can work will be able, and required, to get jobs. No more expenses, so no more cutting jobs to reduce expenses; thus, virtually no more homelessness.
5.) No manufacturing of useless and unnecessary products. All products will be scrutinized by various rating methods.
6.) Whenever possible products should last a lifetime and or be easily upgradable, so we don't buy the same products repeatedly.
7.) EPA will direct "Work Force Flow". Example: Shoe manufacturer will produce 100yearLife shoes for 3 years, then reduce output to about 1/10 of full capacity, and
the majority of shoe employees will be shifted to other work assignments by the EPA. Employees still keep their EquivRate in-between jobs.

I know that this is just a rough outline of what we must do, but it's a good starting point.

This is our Ark. Please help build it! Questions, suggestions and any comments for or against this idea will be very deeply appreciated. Thank you!


so politically whats your solution? how do we motivate people to change?


IPCC report: 40% of hoomans are foocked.
Clever leader: nah, let me start a war.


So why after ww2 when we put hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere did the temperature go steadily down for the next 35 years? So much, in fact, that a coming ice age was forecast. And why didn't the tens of millions of bison roaming the plains cause any adverse effects? 1.0 meter of sea level rise was forecast in 2000. That's 1 cm a year. Where is the 22 cm of sea level rise?


These things are happening now and have been happening ever more increasingly since 2016 or so. 90% of the north pole sea ice has disappeared since 1959. Methane has gone up 13% in ppb in the last year alone, the window closed 100 years ago in my opinion which is irrelevant but just saying.
