Lesson 9: Deep Learning Part 2 2018 - Multi-object detection

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In today’s lesson we’ll move from single object to multi-object detection. It turns out that this slight difference makes things much more challenging. In fact, most students found this the most challenging lesson in the whole course. Not because any one piece is highly complex, but because there’s a lot of pieces, so it really tests your understanding of the foundations we’ve learnt so far. So don’t worry if a lot of details are unclear on first viewing – come back to this lesson from time to time as you complete the rest of the course, and you should find more and more of it making sense!

Today’s focus is on the single shot multibox detector (SSD). This is a way to handle multi-object detection by using a loss function that can combine losses from multiple objects, across both localization and classification. It also uses a custom architecture that takes advantage of the difference receptive fields of different layers of a CNN. And we’ll see how to handle data augmentation in situations like this one where the dependent variable requires augmentation too. Finally, we’ll discuss and simple but powerful trick called focal loss which is used to get state of the art results in this field.
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(0:00:01) Object detection Approach
(0:00:55) What you should know by now
(0:01:40) What you should know from Part 1 of the course - model input & model output
(0:03:00) Working through pascal notebook
(0:03:20) Data Augmentations
(0:03:35) Image classifier continuous true explain
(0:04:40) Create Data augmentations
(0:05:55) Showing bound boxes on pictures with augmentations
(0:06:25) why we need to transform the bounding box
(0:07:15) tfm_y parameter
(0:09:45) Running summary model
(0:10:40) Putting 2 pieces together done last time
(0:10:45) Things needed to train a neural network
(0:12:00) Creating data by concatenating
(0:13:40) Using the new datasets created
(0:14:00) Creating the architecture
(0:15:50) Creating Loss function
(0:18:00) BatchNorm before or after ReLU
(0:19:25) Dropout after BatchNorm
(0:21:50) Detection accuracy
(0:22:50) L1 when doing both bounding box and classification at the same time is better
(0:25:30) Multi-label classification
(0:26:25) Pandas defaultdict alternative
(0:27:10) reuse smaller models for pre-trained weights for larger models
(0:29:15) architecture for going from largest object detector to 16 object detector
(0:33:48) YOLO, SSD
(0:35:05) 2x2 Grid
(0:37:31) Receptive fields
(0:41:20) Back to Archiecture
(0:41:40) SSD Head code
(0:42:40) Research code copy paste problem
(0:43:00) fast ai style guide
(0:44:42) Reusing code. Back to SSD code
(0:45:15) OutConv - 2 conv layers for 2 tasks that we are doing
(0:47:20) flattening the outputs of convolution
(0:47:52) Loss function needs explained
(0:48:36) Difficulty in the matching problem
(0:49:25) Break and problem statement for matching problem
(0:50:00) Goal for matching problem with visuals
(0:51:50) running code of architecture line by line on validation set
(0:55:00) anchor boxes, prior boxes, default boxes
(0:55:23) Matching problem
(0:55:43) jaccard index or jaccard overlap or IOU (Intersection over union)
(0:57:35) anchors, overlaps
(1:00:00) Map to ground truth function
(1:01:50) See the classes for each anchor box should be predicting
(1:03:15) Seeing the bounding boxes
(1:04:16) Interpret the activations
(1:05:36) Binary cross entropy loss
(1:09:55) SSD loss function
(1:13:52) Create more anchor boxes
(1:14:10) Anchor boxes vs bounding boxes
(1:14:45) Create more anchor boxes
(1:15:25) Why are we not multiplying categorical loss with constant
(1:17:20) code for generating more anchor boxes
(1:17:59) Diagram - how object detection maps to neural net approach
(1:19:50) Rachael - Challenge is making the architecture
(1:20:15) Jeremy - There are only 2 architectures
(1:20:35) Rachael - Challenge is with anchor boxes
(1:20:48) Jermey - Entirely in loss architecture of SSD
(1:21:08) Forget the architecture, focus on the loss function
(1:22:16) Matching problem
(1:23:14) We are using SSD not YOLO so matching problem is easier
(1:23:49) Easier way would have to teach YOLO then go to SSD
(1:24:25) Loss function needs to be consistent task
(1:24:45) Question - 4 by 4 is same as the 16 is a coincidence?
(1:25:16) Part 2 is going to assume that comfortable with Part 1
(1:26:41) Explaining multiple anchor boxes is next step from last lesson
(1:27:46) Code for detection loss function
(1:28:32) This class is by far going to be the most conceptually challenging
(1:29:40) For every grid cell different size, orientation, zoom
(1:30:15) Convolutional layer does not need that many filters
(1:30:56) Need to know k = No. of zoom by no. of aspect ratios
(1:31:13) Architecture - Number of stride 2 convolutions
(1:31:43) We are grab set of outputs from convolutions
(1:32:20) Concatenate all outputs
(1:32:53) Criterian
(1:33:01) Pictures after train - big objects are ok small are not
(1:33:55) History of Object detection
(1:34:05) Multibox Method Paper - Matching problem introduce
(1:34:30) Trying to figure out how to make this better
(1:34:41) RCNN - 2 stage network - computer vision and deep learning
(1:36:09) YOLO and SSD - same performance with 1 stage
(1:37:08) Focal Loss RetinaNet - figured out why mess of boxes is happening
(1:38:48) Question - 4 by 4 grid of receptive field with 1 anchor box each, why we need more anchor boxes?
(1:40:38) Focal loss for Dense Object detection
(1:41:00) Picture of probability of ground truth vs loss
(1:41:45) Importance of the picture - why the mess was happening
(1:44:05) Not blue but blue or purple loss
(1:45:01) Discussing the fantastic paper
(1:46:15) Cross entropy
(1:48:09) Dealing with class imbalance
(1:49:18) Great paper to read how papers should be
(1:49:45) Focal Loss function code
(1:51:00) Paper tables for variable values
(1:52:00) Last step - figure out to pull out interesting parts
(1:52:48) NMS - Non Maximum suppression copied code
(1:53:50) Lesson 14 Feature pyramids
(1:54:15) Deep learning 2 part/complicated to single deep learning
(1:55:42) SSD paper model description
(2:01:30) Read back citations


This has been the most interesting lesson for me so far. Thank you so much Jeremy.


excellent video but the audio is not good!


@Jeremy Howard Hi Jeremy Howard sir.I have a doubt.So here we are trying update the anchor boxes which are having overlap more than Threshold and maintaining remianing grid cells as it is right sir.


Hey at (00:09:14) Jeremy mentions that a maximum of 3 degrees of rotation is often good. Is this still the case? is there a better way to do this?


which label software is used for annotation?


In this video, Jeremy keeps using grid cell and anchor boxes interchangeably. Is that correct understanding? Specially at video 59:00.


Could someone advise me where to get the slide ? may tks


mathematicians don't refactor...
yeah, right

Apart, from that, thanks for your excellent courses jeremy..!


As a pythoner my stomach was turning when I saw 17:00
*def detn_loss(input, target):*
