Jesse Strickland Debunked! Western Music Theory MisRepresents Traditional Nonwestern Music (China)

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"They realized whereas the movement of the heavenly bodies, and the sequence of the seasons and the succession of night and day all return to their starting attempt to remedy this...."
Chinese philosophy Professor Patrick Edwin Moran
"The Chinese knew about the tempered scale even before it was invented in the West, but they chose not to use it. They seem to have decided to put the differences to good use."
"Foundations of Internal Alchemy: The Taoist Practice of Neidan"
Table 6: Sovereign Hexagrams" pg 130
"the twelve "sovereign hexagrams" (biguas) and their relation to other duodenary series: earthly branches, bells and pitch-pipes, months of the year, and "double hours"
the 12 note music scale - based exactly on the SAME principles as the Small Universe or microcosmic Orbit of "small heavenly circuit" meditation. The qi cycles based on 2 hours, based on the seasons, the 12 earthly branches, the zodiac as well. But here's the kicker - the first note is the Moon energy based on the moon calendar and the difference between the Moon months (turned into years) and the Solar years - multiplied as the common denominator - is the same as the Pythagorean Comma!
For the Chinese the first note was Harmony of Heaven and Earth but the 2nd note was based on decreasing the circumference of the pipe along with the length and so was the seasons of the Earth, so more complicated. The third note was then based on the I Ching as the energy of Man. So the 2nd note as 6 of 9 was from 90 feet long with a circumference of 9 as 81 - the number of Lunar Months as the 1st note as Heaven. 6 was 2 as Earth x 15 (the solar month as 24 solar months in a year) which gives 12 months (or 12 harmonic notes) with Earth as the value of 2 solar months!! So 30 is the value of Earth and take 2 to get 60 as the length x 6 of the diameter to get 360 as the solar year! Wow - so we just revealed the secret of how the Dragon of the Sun turns the Earth into Fire as alchemy based on the measurements of the pitch pan pipes!! No wonder 2/3 ratio was sacred in Egypt, as the secret of alchemy.
And so the Original Meaning of Holy Spirit is Harmonia as noncommutative Phase or F (8/12) = G (9/6) at the SAME TIME (fire into Earth as Water into Air) to create the Ether as the Sacred Cosmic Mother (the Earth as Yuan Qi or Perfect Yin or White Tiger). The Pythagorean Philolaus (fr. 10) says, "Harmonia comes to be in all respects out of opposites: for Harmonia is a unification of things mutually mixed, and an agreement of things that disagree."
Alcmaeon, a 5th Century BCE Pythagorean physician said the soul is in continual motion like the heavens as immortal light and this circular motion of energy creates health as isonomia.
So it is now official - the ancient Pythagoreans practiced "circulation of energy" based on the 12 harmonic nodes of the Zodiac - just as the Daoists did and in India - and this was also taught in Egypt. Professor Torietti - "And Yet It is Heard"
"The Yellow Emperor, Huang Ti, in 2700 BCE, told Ling Lun to create the “infinite spiral of fifths” music tuning based on the Perfect Fourth music interval as yin and the Perfect Fifth musical interval as yang, according to the 240 BCE book, Lü-shih ch’un-ch’iu (The Spring and Autumn of Lü Pu-Wei Yang pipe became Yin, and by “increasing” the Yin pipe was transformed into Yang.
In the first case, the result was a downward generation, and in the second, an upward
one. Thus we find a continuous process of generation, with continuous exchanges of qualities [no starting point as J. Strickland wrongly claims] between Yang and Yin, making clear the dynamic characteristics of the procedure followed."
"Each of the 12 lUlU [pipes of Perfect Fifth/Fourth] were assigned a hou [climatic season] chosen among the 24 jieqi [solar terms]. For example, Huangzhong corresponded to Dongzhi [winter
solstice]; Linzhong recalled the Dashu [great heat] and so on. Furthermore, the figure indicates, together with the names of the lUlU, the 12 dizhi [earthly branches] in their relative order. Thus the first lUlU corresponds to the first dizhi, that is to say Zi [son] and so on. The dizhi were also used to indicate couples of hours during the day; for example, Zishi [time of the son] indicates the hours from 1 1.00 p.m. to 1.00 a.m., and the other dizhi follow the order of the hours" -

noncommutative phase
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I posted this vid on Jesse's vid comments - hence the down vote! haha. Welcome to the Real World Jesse! You want to cover Chinese Music Theory? How about learning what it really means? thanks
