Muad - Heartbeat (Vocals Only)

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"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).

Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Who from amongst mankind warrants the best companionship from me?”
He replied: “Your mother.”
The man asked: “Then who?”
So, He (PBUH) replied: “Your mother.”
The man then asked: “Then who?”
So, the Prophet (PBUH) replied again: “Your mother.”
The man then asked: “Then who?”
So, He (SAW) replied: “Then your father.”
(Sahih Bukhari)

This goes out to my beautiful mother who is the strongest woman I know on this planet. I love you with all my heart. This also goes out to every single mother out there doing their duties and striving to the best of their abilities. May Allah grant you Jannah at the highest level.

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Vocal backing by Tasleem Kariem:
➤ Instagram: tasleemkariem
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May Allah swt grant our mothers jannatul firdaus


My daughter sent me this today. And I can't stop crying. My sweet baby. Jannah is hers already ameen


To Brother Muad: Thank you for the vocals only. I'm so grateful.
To everyone else: I lost my mother on November 7th 2017. I think about her every single day. I still have her number on my phone even though I know she'll never ring. I just don't have the heart to get rid of it. Everyday I wish I could hug her and tell her how much I love her. But my chance has gone. If you are still lucky enough to have your queen in your life, cherish her and tell her you love her.


I’m currently 6 half months pregnant and I’m sobbing over this, please make dua for me my Muslim brother and sisters 😌 Jazakhallah khair


'وَاخْفِضْ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ الذُّلِّ مِنَ الرَّحْمَةِ وَقُل رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا' (24)/الإسراء 🥺
(24) And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small."/Quran/Al-Israa


I remember when my mother was looking after me and now I’m looking after her because she has cancer. Please keep me and my mother in your duas


For everyone who still has their parents with them then cherish the moments u have with them and always make them happy and never upset them. For those who lost a parent, Inshallah u meet in Jannah.


Thé most beautiful nasheed Mashallah this had me in tears. Alhamdulilah for our mothers. Those who have their mothers in their life, take care of them and pray for them, love them and treat them like a queen, they deserve that. Those who don’t have their mom’s in their life pray for them. And the ones whose mothers have passed away May Allah grant them Jannatul firdous pray for them everyday. Never take a mothers kindness and love for granted!


I lost my dad but allah gave him a long life allhamdullilah. He had damensia and had throat cancer pls pray for him and allow him to enter Jannah


I'm only 10 and I sing this to my Mother and I cannot handle myself when I see her smile. Mothers mean alot to us all in life. They took care of us since our first breath. may Allah S.W.T grant them a place in Jannah Aameen.


Muslims or non-Muslims we all agree, you are the best❤😊!!!
We love you


My 2 year old sister loves this nasheed Mashallah best


Oh🤲Allah give you my mother jannah امين


At nights you were sleepless
I know it weren't easy
And you are the reason I'm here
And no other feeling
Can top what you mean to me
I owe you all of my years
I love you, I love you the most
I just want, I just want you to know
You gave me the love I always need
My heart will always be your home
I'll be there forever and ever
Wrapped up in endless love
X marks the spot, you're my treasure
Can't thank the Lord enough
You are my angel
My superhero
Forever I'm grateful
Always a part of me
You are my heartbeat (heartbeat)
Beating away every day
You'll always be my queen (my queen)
No one can take, take your place
You taught me love, took away pain
You are the sun behind the rain
You are my heartbeat
Beating away every day, every day
Nine months you carried me through the pain
I'll never let you down, I swear
You made the man that I am today
I'll always keep you in my prayers
Heaven lies under you
I'll lower the wings you gave to me
You'll never be number two
God hears your call so pray for me
There with you on your golden days
There with you right to your oldest age
You are my map, you showed me the way
Right up to, right up to heaven's gates
You are my angel
My superhero
Forever I'm grateful
Always a part of me
You are my heartbeat (heartbeat)
Beating away every day
You'll always be my queen (my queen)
No one can take, take your place
You taught me love, took away pain
You are the sun behind the rain
You are my heartbeat
Beating away every day, every day


MashaAllah, love this nasheed! Always take care of your mothers. You only get one! Love ur nasheeds Muad
We need more people like u Muad

6 ways to earn deeds after death:
1) Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Each time one reads from it you gain.
2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it you gain.
3) Participate in building a masjid.
4) Place a watercooler in a public space.
5) Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or an animal sits in it's shade or eat from it.
6) And the easiest of all, share this message with people.


This always reminds me that my mum has done all the years i have loved. I cannot be more grateful for what she jas done for me. Mothing cpuld ever replace mother❤❤❤❤


This Nasheed is wonderful!! There is no words that can describe magnificent Nasheed thank u muad
May Allah swt grant all our mums and dads that have passed away


Ibn Abbas (R.A) said:
"I do not know of a deed closer to Allah,
The Exalted and Majestic
other than dutifulness to their mother."


Love from Morocco 🇲🇦 ❤
Respect to all beautiful mothers of this world 🌎


I really needed this as a reminder too.🙁 JAZAKALLAH for making me realise my mother's importance😭💓💓💝
